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时间:2021-06-13 08:54来源:毕业论文

摘要滚动导轨具有摩擦阻力小,运动精度高,寿命长,承载能力好,经济实用,维护方便的特点,因此目前得到广泛应用。当滚动直线导轨副用于工作台时,其动态特性直接影响到机床的加工精度。当加工过程中出现较大的振动时,会增加导轨副的动态载荷, 从而降低其寿命和精度保持性。因此须对滚动直线导轨副的动态特性进行研究.68313


毕业论文关键词:滚动直线导轨副  动刚度 试验台搭建  测量方案  


Title :The  linear  guide  rail  pair  dynamic  stiffness  measurement  scheme  and  test-bed  design


The linear guides with little friction, high precision, long life,good carrying capacity,economical,easy maintenance features,there is currently widely used. When the rolling Linear guide rail pair for the table, its dynamic characteristics directly affect the machining accuracy. When large vibration occurs during processing, it will increase the guideway dynamic loads, reducing its life and the maintain of the accuracy. Therefore the subject on linear guides dynamic characteristics were studied.

Based on the understanding of the research methods of dynamic stiffness, to complete the development of linear guides dynamic stiffness test bed design and measurement solutions.First,based on the the dynamic stiffness theory to determine the the preliminary design scheme; Then, based on the dynamic stiffness measurement requirements and the shakers and acceleration sensors to built test bed;finally,based on the test-bed to develop the dynamic stiffness measurement scheme.

Keywords: rolling Linear guide rail, dynamic stiffness,test-bed, measurement scheme

目  次

1 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 直线导轨副研究现状 2

1.3 本文研究的主要内容 3

2 动刚度理论及测量要求 4

2.1  动刚度理论及测量意义 4

2.1.1 动刚度理论概述 4

2.1.2 动刚度原理分析 4

2.1.3 系统幅频及相频曲线 6

2.1.4动刚度的计算方法 7

2.1.5 动刚度研究意义 8

2.2 直线导轨副动刚度测量要求 9

2.2.1 直线导轨的选择 9

2.2.2 激励方式及相应器材选择 10

2.2.3 传感器选择 13

3直线导轨动刚度试验台设计 16

3.1 直线导轨副动刚度试验台总体设计 16

3.2 直线导轨副试验台具体设计过程 19

3.2.1 支撑组件设计思想 19

3.2.2 装夹组件设计思想 直线导轨副动刚度测量方案及试验台设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_76820.html
