摘 要:剥胶机,主要用于输送带接头处胶质层的剥离,方便输送带钉扣的装订。本次设计主要是将剥胶机的结构拆分开来,一个结构一个结构的详细了解设计。大体将剥胶机拆分成剥胶刀片,剥胶深度调节装置,剥胶宽度调节装置,剥胶机整体的驱动装置以及剥胶输送带的压紧装置这五大部分,同时又在每个部分跟市面上已有的产品进行比较,然后再根据现有的一些想法来进行改进,加以创新,比如剥胶时候刀片该如何设计,才能保证切削面更加平整,剥胶位置调节机构该如何设计才能保证剥胶深度的准确合理,剥胶宽度调节机构又该如何设计,才能保证设备的灵活,方便性,以及在剥胶的过程中产生了一些细微振动,又该如何解决,这就需要机构的输送带压紧装置了。69483
Structural design of stripper for mine conveyor belt
Abstract: Peeling machine used in belt conveyor belt joint preparation fastening and clean peeling rubber conveyor belt, the head, also can be used in all kinds of fabric, steel cord conveyor belt cover rubber and canvas, cover rubber and the separation between the wire rope, canvas. Conveyor belt as one of the most expensive parts of the belt conveyor, its quality of life and is almost directly determines the quality and the service life of belt conveyor, so choose a suitable conveyor belt joint method is particularly important. For a belt conveyor with a shorter distance transport, the method of using thermal vulcanization can be costly for the user. Therefore, for the short distance of belt conveyor, the use of user, adopt the method of cold glue becomes simple and reliable, not only on the operation more convenient, more important is can save considerable costs. Because sometimes, the cost of the conveyor belt of a short distance belt conveyor is not even the price of the heat cure. The method of conveyor belt cold stick and heat cure is similar, all adopt the method of layered adhesive. The difference is that, after the layering, the adhesive is applied directly to the glue and the effect is achieved by the natural air drying. There are still a number of manufacturers and users who use nail clasps, and the advantage of this approach is that they can be removed and transported by a belt conveyor. It is not convenient to avoid the conveyor belt. This connection method is more convenient than the first two kinds of joint methods. At this time, the conveyor belt stripping machine is very important to the joint nailing.
Key words : Rubber stripping machine; Conveyor belt; Vulcanizing machine
目 录
1. 绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景 1
1.2 研究的意义 2
2.矿用输送带剥胶机切割刀片的设计 3
2.1 剥胶机刀片的切割特点和出现的问题 3
2.1.1 刀片设计师需要考虑的问题 3
2.1.2 刀片的分析与设计
2.2 剥胶机切割刀片分析与改进
3.剥胶机刀片调节机构 11
3.1 位置调节机构上刀具固定架的设计 11
3.2 螺旋传动设计 13
3.3 推进螺杆的设计 18
3.4 螺杆的校核 19
4.矿用输送带剥胶机剥胶宽度调节机构设计 21
4.1 导向装置的设计 矿用输送带剥胶机结构设计+CAD图纸+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_78394.html