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时间:2021-10-24 20:39来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词   TBCC进气道 外并联 模态转换过程 数值模拟


Title  TBCC variable geometry two-dimensional inlet modal transformation process numerical simulation

Abstract Turbine based combined cycle(TBCC) engine is one of the most suitable power system for hypersonic aircraft in the future。This paper present a parallel dual channel of turbine based combined cycle inlet design and of preliminary aerodynamic design and research,including 1。Preliminary design of dual channel variable geometry two-dimensional inlet adapted to high Mach number(Ma2。5-6);2。numerical simulation of M2。5-M6 dual channel variable geometry two-dimensional inlet,including the numerical simulation of the flow field of the model used by FLUENT software and

Study the performance parameters of the high speed channel in the Ma2。5-6 range 

And high speed channels can be well started in the Ma2。5-6 range。And the performance parameters of the external parallel inlet are studied by adjusting the different rotation angles of the splitter plate,in the process of Regulating the spilt plate,the high speed channel does not start when the splitter plate is closed at18。33 degrees,the flow plate can be started at several other  angles when the split plate is opened。

Keywords  TBCC inlet  over-under  mode transition proess  numerical simulation

目   次

1  绪论 1

1。1概述 1

1。2  国内外研究现状及发展趋势  2

1。3  本文主要工作 3

2  TBCC进气道的设计 5

2。1  进气道设计方案的确定 5

2。2  高速通道外压段的设计 5

2。3  高速通道内压段的设计 8

2。4  低速通道的设计8

3 外并联进气道德模态转换及冲压通道的数值模拟10

3。1  引言10

3。2  模态转换过程的进气道计算模型 10

3。3  网格的绘制及数值模拟方法 11

3。4  计算结果19

3。4。1 高速通道性能参数的变化19

3。4。2 高速通道抽气孔24

3。4。3 外并联进气道模态转换过程性能参数的变化28

结论 35 

致谢 36 


1  绪论

1。1  概述

未来飞行的主要战略发展方向是高超声速飞行,它的飞行马赫数范围十分宽广,可以从亚声速、跨声速、超声速一直扩展到高超声速。动力装置非常大水平上决定是否能够实现高超声速飞行。现在,航空低速发动机的飞行马赫数范围一般在从 0到3,亚燃高速发动机的飞行马赫数范围为是2到6,而超燃冲压发动机的飞行马赫数范围大于5。由此可知,任何一种单一的吸气式发动机都不能满足以上要求,国外对组合动力展开广泛而深入的研究是从19世纪60年代开始。 fluent的TBCC二元可调进气道模态转换过程数值模拟:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_83649.html
