And then establish a relatively perfect performance test system, to make out of the groove carries on the test panels。 Measurement data can be found through the analysis of contrast experiments, deep wide ratio 1。2, the cooling performance is superior to the depth width ratio of 2, cooling performance, the ratio of 1。2 shows deep wide trough the capillary force is stronger, the performance is better; Under the same deep wide than 60 slot mean
temperature plate heat dissipation performance is better than 48 trough all panels, the more intensive the slot number the stronger sex suction fluid, heat transfer performance is better; Contrast liquid volume of 3 ml and 5 ml respectively in the same groove, found that liquid volume of 3 ml (charging rate 73。2%) mean temperature plate heat transfer performance than filling 5 ml (liquid at a rate of 122%) when the performance is better, that filling quantity too much will affect both the work cycle of plate cavity so as to affect the overall performance of the mean temperature plate。 In the test are start the features of the plate temperature, analysis contrast test data from 60 trough all panels can be found the start up performance is also better than 48 trough all panels, it also benefit from more slots。 In addition, a small piece of foam copper area in the center of the lower sintering temperature plate also helps all start up, is mainly due to the bubble of the central region of copper increased capillary force。
Key words: Vapor chamber;The performance test;Thermal resistance
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 课题背景 1
1。2 均温板简介 1
1。4 本课题的主要研究内容 7
第二章 均温板实验系统设计 8
2。1 实验台系统的设计 8
2。2 均温板的设计 11
2。2。1 均温板上下板的设计 11
2。2。2 工质的选择与充液率 13
2。3 均温板的制备 14
2。3。1 泡沫金属吸液芯的裁剪 14
2。3。2 清洗 14
2。3。3 烧结 16
2。3。4 检漏 17
2。3。5 充液与抽真空 17
2。3。6 焊接封口 18
2。4 均温板实验测量系统 18
2。4。1 热电偶标定与布置 18
2。4。2 测试结果的计算基本公式 19
2。4。3 实验系统的误差 20
2。5 本章小结 21
第三章 测试结果分析 23
3。1 均温板的轴向热阻对比分析 23
3。1。1 充注量为 5ml 时的轴向热阻 23
3。1。2 充注量为 3ml 时的轴向热阻 26
3。2 均温板的扩散热阻分析 27
3。3 均温板的启动性能对比 28
3。4 本章小结 29
第四章 总结与展望 31
4。1 总结 沟槽式平板热管的性能研究+CAD图纸(2):