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时间:2022-06-14 23:02来源:毕业论文

摘要柴油机的热效率很高,是当今社会人们应用较为广泛的一类热力发动机。然而曲 轴是其中承受载荷最大、功能作用最重要的零件之一。曲轴受到弯曲和扭转的复杂综 合应力,弯曲疲劳破坏是中小型柴油机曲轴的主要破坏、失效形式。81562

本课题研究多缸柴油机(4125A 型)曲轴,在对曲轴工作条件了解的前提下,参 考设计手册以及对曲柄连杆机构受力分析合理设计曲轴基本参数使之能有效抵抗疲 劳失效,强度满足工况。接着利用 Pro/E 三维软件建立曲轴模型,在有限元 ANSYS 软件里相对准确地对曲轴进行动力学分析(模态分析和瞬态动力学分析),施加动载 荷观察曲轴振型变化以及各点应力、变形大小。在观察柴油机振型频率对曲轴性能影 响的同时起到校核其强度的效果。

由此对前期曲轴的设计工作进行校核,模态分析显示了中高频段振动是影响曲轴 性能最大的部分,瞬态动力学分析显示校核结果,满足强度要求,为以后的优化设计 找准了方向。

毕业论文关键字: 曲轴;设计;有限元校核;ANSYS 分析

Abstract The thermal efficiency of diesel engine is very high, is has been widely applied in today's society。In the diesel engine crankshaft is, however, one of the most important part of functions, bearing the largest load。 Crankshaft bears bending and torsion of complex stress。The bending fatigue damage is the main failure mode in small and medium-sized diesel engine crankshaft。

This topic study on multi-cylinder diesel engine crankshaft (type 4125 A)。 First, on the premise of understanding working conditions of the crankshaft, refer to the manual design and analyze crank connecting rod mechanism and properly design basic parameters of the crankshaft。So that it can effectively resist fatigue failure and meet strength condition。 Then the 3D crankshaft model was established based on Pro/E software。 Then accurately carry out the crankshaft dynamics analysis in the finite element ANSYS software,including modal analysis and transient dynamics analysis。 Apply dynamic load to observe the vibration and mode changes of stress, deformation。 When observing the influence on crankshaft performance,at the same time check the strength。

All these help to check the design work, the modal analysis shows that the high frequency vibration influence crankshaft performance worst and transient dynamics analysis shows the result, it satisfy the strength requirement, focusing on a direction for the optimum design。

Keywords: crankshaft;design;finite element checking;ANSYS analysis


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究的目的与意义 1

1。2 国内外研究现状及存在问题 1

1。2。1 曲轴设计研究现状 1

1。2。2 有限元法在研究柴油机零部件动态特性中的应用 Pro/E多缸柴油机4125A型柴油机曲轴组设计计算:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_95381.html
