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时间:2022-07-04 22:05来源:毕业论文

摘要造船生产设计是融工艺、设计和管理为一体的设计和管理模式。推行造船生产设计 的目的是实现壳舾涂一体化,区域造船以建立现代造船管理模式。造船生产活动的实践 表明,在船舶设计中增加以造船施工为对象的生产设计,虽然增加了一些工作量,但是 由于它可以科学地指导施工,使生产工艺和管理合理化,最终因提高工作效率和降低成 本而获得更高的效益,生产设计是实现现代造船模式的核心内容。81935

本文以多用途及船舶生产设计的现状与发展为基础,结合实际生产和加工能力、生 产流程,在详细设计的基础上对 12500 多用途船货舱舷侧 621/631 分段船体生产设计。 由基本结构图、分段划分图、总布置图、中横剖面图和建造方针等给出施工要领,并绘 制分段结构图、拼板图和零件明细表,设置吊环吊马,计算分段重量重心及绘制分段吊 环安装图,同时对多用途船的结构特点及未来趋势作了一些讨论。


Abstract Shipbuilding production design is a process, design and management for the integration of design and the management pattern。 Shipbuilding production design integrates KeXi tu, is the purpose of the area on the establishment of a modern shipbuilding management mode。 Shipbuilding production activities of practice showed that the increase in the ship design in shipbuilding construction as an object of the production design, although with some effort, but because it can guide the construction scientifically, make the production process and management rationalization, eventually due to improve the work efficiency and reduce cost and obtain higher efficiency, production design is to realize the core content of modern shipbuilding mode。

Based on the utility and based on the present situation and the development of ship's production design, combined with the actual production and processing capacity, the production process, on the basis of the detailed design of 12500 multi-purpose cargo ship side 621/631 segmented hull production design。 By the basic structure, figure block pision, construction principle and general arrangement plan, midship section diagram construction main point are given, and the map section structure, makeup and parts lists, set up the rings hanging horse, calculating weight center of gravity and draw rings every block installation drawing, the structure characteristics of multi-purpose ship made some discussions and future trends。

Keywords: Multi-purpose ship; Production design; Shipbuilding technology

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究的背景 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。2。1 国外研究现状 2

1。2。2 国内研究现状 3

1。3 研究的内容和意义 4

1。3。1 研究的内容 4

1。3。2 研究的意义 5

1。4 主要内容及结构安排 5

第二章 多用途船的概述 6

2。1 引言 6

2。2 多用途船的分类 6

2。3 多用途船的特点 6

2。4 多用途船的发展现状 7

2。5 多用途船的发展趋势 8

第三章 12500DWT 多用途船 621/631 分段生产设计 12500DWT多用途船货舱舷侧621/631分段船体生产设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_95972.html
