本文介绍了码垛机器人基于D-H方法的运动学模型的建立并推导了运动学方程正反解的求解过程。最后,用TRIO BASIC软件编写相关应用程序,利用码垛机器人实验设施进行实验验证轨迹规划的结果的行性。
毕业论文关键词 工业码垛机人 运动学模型 轨迹划
Title Mathematical model deduction and experimental study on the motion process of industrial robot
Abstract The research of robot trajectory is very important in the control of the robotics。 This paper on the basis of the palletizing robot with four degrees of freedom in the work for the trajectory planning requirements and constraints, respectively, using polynomial interpolation function and combined sine function method to plan the trajectory, and simulation analysis and comparison of the two methods and choose the mechanical arm system vibration smaller one。 This paper discusses the path planning method is carried out in the joint space, and according to the palletizing robot arm in the process of movement to meet the constraints of planning。 Trajectory planning of robot based on D-H method is used to build the kinematics model。 This paper introduces the palletizing robot kinematics model is established and derived the kinematics equation and inverse solution of the solution process。 Finally, the feasibility of the trajectory planning method is verified by experiments。
Keywords Palletizing robot Kinematic equation Trajectory planning
1 绪论 1
1。1 课题背景及意义 1
1。3 本文主要研究工作 2
1。4 小结 3
2 码垛机器人的结构与运动学分析 4
2。1 码垛机器人结构分析 4
2。1。1 机器人结构 4
2。1。2 机器人机构运动 5
2。2 机器人空间描述 5
2。2。1 刚体位姿描述 5
2。2。2 坐标系变换 8
2。3 机器人运动学模型的建立 11
2。3。1 机器人正运动学的D-H法简介 12
2。3。2 码垛机器人正运动学分析 14
2。3。3 机器人逆运动学分析 19
2。4 本章小结 22
3 码垛机器人轨迹规划及仿真 23
3。1 轨迹规划的要求及方案选型 23
3。1。1 轨迹规划的要求 TRIOBASIC工业用机器人运动过程数学模型推导与实验研究:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_97714.html