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时间:2022-08-13 20:45来源:毕业论文





Abstract Due to the continued development of the technology of abrasive belt machine,the effect of abrasive belt machine in the metal processing industry has become irreplaceable。 With advanced abrasive belt polishing equipment, metal processing tasks such as surface polishing, round polishing, radius polishing, edges and burr removal can be satisfactorily completed。   

Subject of the portable belt machine from the structure arrangement, sand frame form, working device and transmission system are reasonable analysis and design, and gives a concrete solution。 And a series of practical functions are designed detailedly , such as dust mouth, tensioning devices, switches and other design。 Taking into account the comprehensive practical factors, the design is more convenient to consider the structure, and strictly control the total weight and the total volume, in order to reduce the fatigue of the operator。 Then, the transmission system is designed, including the choice of speed, the method of variable speed, and so on, the actual design of the transmission shaft, gear block and other parts of the specific size。Findlly,transmission system has level 6 speed , speed range for the 3-16m/s, to adapt to different working environments, and by manipulating the poke rod sliding gear to realize the speed transmission。 

Through the design of a portable belt machine, master of abrasive belt grinding machine working principle, try to improve the working efficiency of the portable belt machine, in order to provide references for portable belt machine design in the future。

Keywords: Portable belt machine;Working device;Transmission system


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究的意义及目的 1

1。2 国内外对砂带机的研究现状与发展 1

1。3 主要研究内容 2

1。4 研究方法及步骤 3

第二章 总体方案设计 4

2。1 设计的总体原则 4

2。2 砂架的形式 4

2。3 机架的设计 5

2。4 吸尘口的设置 5

2。5 变速系统 5

2。6 总重量的控制 5

2。7 设计方案的确定 便携式砂带抛光机的设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_97809.html
