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时间:2022-10-16 11:46来源:毕业论文



Value evaluation of enterprise assets reorganization

Abstract With the development of China's economy and enterprise restructuring, the enormous business reorganization sprung up。 A large number of asset valuation were involved In the process of reorganization。 And only after valuing the targeted enterprise can we ensure the smooth realization of the activities。 Through the combination of theory and case analysis, the basic situation of value evaluation the reorganization of assets in the enterprise, and the problems are studied, combined with the actual situation of Chinese enterprises。 And puts forward to proceed from the internal structure and management assessment agencies, thus make the method of market and evaluation institutions official, in order to make the assessment agencies clear the purpose of assessment and type up to the hilt, select the appropriate evaluation method countermeasures and result in an accurate and meaningful assessment, help the enterprise assets reorganize in the end。

Key words: asset reorganization; value evaluation; evaluation method; related party transactions

目  录

0 引言 1

1 资产重组与价值评估 2

1。1 资产重组与价值评估的概念 2

1。2价值评估与资产重组之间的关系 2

1。3 价值评估的作用 3

2 企业价值评估时的影响因素 5

2。1 目标企业的基本特点 5

2。2企业自身情况 5

2。3 企业所属行业的情况 6

2。4 在行业竞争中企业的地位 6

3 国内企业有关重组评估的现状 6

3。1 国内资产重组价值评估的具体情况——以江南化工为例 6

3。2资产重组中价值评估存在的问题 9

4 完善建立健全的资产价值评估的建议和对策研究 12

4。1 建立健全法律法规 12

4。2 提高评估人员整体素质 12

4。3 对评估机构加强管理 13

4。4 借鉴发达国家的先进经验 13

4。5 采用科学合理的评估法 14

4。6 中介机构独立性的强化 14

4。7 信息披露与管理机制的健全 15

结    论 15

致    谢 企业资产重组中的价值评估:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_100443.html
