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时间:2022-12-07 16:03来源:毕业论文



A Research on Enterprise Income Tax Planning

Abstract A large share of tax in a country's financial composition is also an important factor in a business cost and profit formation。 Since the implementation of the new tax law more and more enterprises recognize the importance of tax planning in enterprise management, and want to legitimate tax planning make the enterprise can reduce the tax burden, the biggest gain。 This paper discusses the concept and principle of tax planning, and analyzes the significance of its existence。 The main content of this thesis is the system set forth some of the problems existing in our country, and tax planning with specific business cases put forward from different aspects of tax planning methods and suggestions to make the corporate tax through effective tax planning to reduce the tax burden, increase economic efficiency 。

Key words: Enterprise income tax; Tax planning; Tax burden 


0 引言 1

1税收筹划的概念和原则 1

1。1税收筹划的概念 1

1。2税收筹划的原则 1

2税收筹划的意义和现状 2

2。1税收筹划的意义 2

2。2税收筹划的现状 3

3企业所得税税收筹划方法 3

3。1收入确认的税收筹划 3

3。2固定资产折旧的税收筹划 4

3。3存货的税收筹划 6

3。4设立小型微利企业的税收筹划 7

3。5企业组织形式的税收筹划 8

3。6特定项目减免税的税收筹划 9

3。7坏账处理的税收筹划 9

3。8广告费和业务宣传费税收筹划 11

4税收筹划的风险和防范措施 12

4。1企业所得税税收筹划的风险 12

4。2风险防范措施 12

结 论 14

致 谢 15

参考文献 16


0 引言

税收筹划行为的产生与发展是一个国家税收进步的体现,也是一个国家经济达到某一程度的体现。税收费用作为企业成本费用的一项重大支出,其在企业核算中扮演着十分重要的作用,税收筹划也就成了企业在激烈的市场竞争中生产和发展的有利武器。而因为企业所得税和许多国家法规政策有关,并且其内容十分丰富,征收和缴纳步骤较为繁琐,所以其税收筹划的空间就比较大,因此纳税筹划无论是对企业还是国家来说都显得更加重要。 企业所得税税收筹划研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_107326.html
