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时间:2024-01-13 11:33来源:毕业论文



Abstract:At present, the receivable is regarded as the activity of the company is higher than the asset, its sustained development and growth of the company has to be reckoned with, Receivables Management will indirectly affect the financial operation of the company。 However, with expanding trade credit between companies produced by the sale of accounts receivable problems are increasing, many company accounts receivable problems caused by inappropriate funding stream, in financial danger and even go out of business。 This paper focuses on company accounts receivable management existing problem and discuss the reasons。 Pacific Executive real estate limited management of the receivable account in elaborated from receivables existing problems, forming reasons and other aspect of account receivables, on the basis of this proposed appropriate solutions。 Thus Pacific Executive real estate limited enhance the level of accounts receivable to provide a good solution。

Keyword: accounts receivable,administration,problem,countermeasure,  Pacific real estate 

目   录

1引言 4

1。1选题背景 4

1。2研究目的和意义 4

2应收账款管理的理论依据 4

2。1应收账款的概念及特征 4

2。2应收账款管理对公司的影响 5

2。3公司简介 5

3太平洋行政地产有限公司应收账款管理存在的问题 6

3。1公司资金使用效率降低 6

3。2公司收入虚增 6

3。3坏账逐年增多 7

3。4公司应收账款收账政策不完善 7

3。5公司内部管理不完善 8

3。6缺乏完善的内部控制制度 8

3。7缺少对赊销客户的信用管理 8

4 太平洋行政地产有限公司应收账款管理存在问题的原因 9

4。1公司缺乏风险意识 9

4。2公司目标定位不精确 9

4。3社会信用管理体系不完善 9

4。4贩卖管理杂乱致使坏账数额庞大 10

4。5签订合同内容不够严谨 10

5太平洋行政地产有限公司优化应收账款管理的对策 10

5。1设立完整的应收账款收账政策 太平洋行政地产有限公司应收账款管理存在的问题及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_200618.html
