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时间:2024-02-16 20:10来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In recent years, the rapid development of Internet banking in China, has increasingly become a supplement to the traditional financial system, has gradually become the focus of attention of the community。In this paper, the theoretical analysis of the impact of Internet banking on the profitability of China's commercial banks。The paper first elaborates the definition and characteristics of Internet banking, then briefly introduced the operation mode and development course mainly, from the commercial bank assets and liabilities business and intermediary business three aspects described the financial impact of the Internet on profitability。The results show that Internet banking has a catfish effect on the asset business of commercial banks, but there is a negative impact on the debt business and intermediary business, but the impact is not significant。Finally, the paper puts forward some countermeasures for the commercial banks, and provides some reference for the future development。

Key words:Internet banking,commercial bank,profit,influence

目  录

1  引言 3

1。1  选题背景及意义 3

1。2  文献综述 4

2  互联网金融概述 5

2。1  互联网金融概念及特点 5

2。2  互联网金融运作模式 6

2。3  互联网金融发展历程 7

3  互联网金融对商业银行盈利能力影响分析 8

3。1  对资产业务产生的影响 8

3。2  对负债业务产生的影响 9

3。2。1  第三方支付结算业务 9

3。2。2  互联网融资业务 10

3。2。3  互联网货币基金业务 10

3。3  对中间业务产生的影响 11

3。3。1  银行卡业务和支付结算业务与第三方支付业务 11

3。3。2  代理业务和理财业务与第三方投资理财业务 12

4  商业银行应对互联网金融影响的措施 12

4。1  加速推广应用网络信息技术 12

4。2  以客户为导向转变服务方式 12

4。3  细分客户定位,提高客户忠诚度 13

4。4  加快与互联网金融机构的全面合作 13

4。5  加快信贷业务的转型与创新 互联网金融对我国商业银行盈利能力的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_201826.html
