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时间:2024-04-29 21:28来源:95251



Management accounting basic method and application

Abstract:Management accounting is a kind of internal accounting. For the management of the enterprise managers' purpose, management accounting predicts the production and business operation activities of the enterprise, plans, makes decisions, controls and evaluates. It is a branch of accounting and an important part of enterprise management. Management accounting plays an important role for the enterprise. However, the enterprise managers for management accounting has not the attention they deserve at present .Building the framework of management accounting basic method and improving  the  enterprises'  attention  of  management  accounting   are   very important .This paper summarizes the basic method is commonly used , analyses the application of management accounting in our country, and studies the selected case companies .Combining theory and practice helps the small and medium-sized enterprise management accounting application in China.

Keywords: Management accounting; Basic method; Application

0.引言 1

0.1研究背景 1

0.2研究意义 1

0.3研究内容 2

1.管理会计方法体系 2

1.1管理会计的发展历程 2

1.2管理会计的基本方法 3

1.2.1成本性态分析法 3

1.2.2成本动因分析法 5

1.2.3边际分析法 6

1.2.4成本-效益分析法 7

1.2.5折现的现金流量法 7

2.管理会计的作用 7

2.1预测企业经营风险 8

2.2推进企业科学决策 8

2.3规划企业经济活动 8

2.4控制企业日常经营 9

2.5优化企业绩效评价 9

3.企业案例研究 9

3.1A服装有限公司本量利分析法应用研究 9

3.1.1企业概述 9

3.1.2本量利分析 10

3.2Y医疗器械有限公司作业成本法应用研究 15

3.2.1企业概述 15

3.2.2作业成本法分析 17

4.我国管理会计应用现状及解决对策 19

4.1应用现状 19

4.1.1对于管理会计重视程度不够 管理会计基本方法及应用研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_203608.html
