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时间:2024-05-23 22:13来源:95460




Chinese Financial Shared Services Center of N Corporation Functional Analysis

Abstract:With the accelerated development of world economic integration, more and more multinational enterprise groups appear in front of us. In the context of intense market competition, enterprise groups are more effective in managing their capital, improving their financial management efficiency, and are better able to respond to ever-changing markets, ensuring that management makes better decisions and more transnational The company has begun or has established its own financial sharing center, hoping to reduce the operating costs and improve the efficiency of the work by focusing on the high-quality, standardized financial work from the molecular companies to the independent financial sharing center.

In this paper, through the basic theory of financial sharing service center research, introduced its basic concepts, operational processes. Based on the actual research of  N Company and the analysis of the current situation of domestic financial sharing service, this paper analyzes the development status of China's financial sharing service center on the basis of theoretical research and finds out the limitation of its operation process, And propose a solution strategy. So as to provide valuable advice for the establishment of the future multinational enterprise group in China's financial sharing service center, but also to avoid the Chinese enterprises in the process of outward development detours.

Key words: financial sharing service center; multinational corporation; financial management


0绪论 1

1国内外研究文献综述及研究方法、思路和框架 4

1.1国内外研究文献综述 4

1.1.1国外财务共享服务中心研究综述 5

1.2.2国内财务共享服务中心研究综述 5

1.2研究方法、研究思路及框架 6

1.2.1研究方法 6

1.2.2研究思路 7

1.2.3文章架构 7

2财务共享服务中心的相关概念、研究理论基础及运作流程 9

2.1财务共享中心的相关概念特征 9

2.1.1财务共享服务中心的基本概念 9

2.1.2财务共享服务中心的特征 9

2.2研究的理论基础 11
