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时间:2024-05-23 22:37来源:95464



Research On The Impact of Fair Value Change Profit and Loss on Management Salary

Abstract:Since the implementation of the new accounting standards, the fair value gains and losses which become a new profit and loss account included in the income statement changed the original profit structure of listed companies. This paper takes 1864 A-share listed companies in 2016 as a sample, and draws lessons from the research methods of scholars in the past. In this paper, we discuss the relationship between executive compensation and fair value change. From the financial accounting data as a starting point research and analysis, found that changes in the fair value and the management of listed companies pay are interlinked, not independent. The study shows that the two will affect and restrict each other. For one thing, the management pay of the listed company in our country has positive effect in the application of the fair value, for another, the changes of fair value has brought some economic consequences to the enterprise. However, up to now, the executive compensation in our country cannot constraint management effectively, so the management of listed companies in China's remuneration mechanism remains to be further improved.

Key words: Changes In Fair Value Gains And Losses;Management Salary; Correlation; 


0引言 1

1公允价值变动损益概述 2

1.1公允价值的含义 2

1.2公允价值变动损益的概念和作用 2

2管理层薪酬的概述 2

2.1管理层薪酬的概念以及构成 3

2.2管理层薪酬的分配方式 3

2.3管理层薪酬的分类 3

3公允价值变动损益与管理层薪酬的相关性分析 4

3.1管理层薪酬的行业分析 4

3.2回归分析验证 6

4存在的问题 9

4.1南京银行的数据分析 9

4.2管理层存在操纵公允价值变动损益的问题 10

5解决措施 11

5.1改善公司的内部环境 11

5.2建立科学的管理层薪酬考核指标 12

5.3改善公允价值计量模式和计量标准 13

5.4改进审计机制,强化企业外部审计的作用 13

结论 14

致谢 公允价值变动损益对管理层薪酬的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_203982.html
