The research on the fraud and the governance of the listing Corporation financial statements in China
Abstract: From the main market of Yinguangxia Financial Fraud cases, the Green Earth events in small and medium-sized board, and then to the nearly case of WanFuShengKe, we can see, the financial statement fraud cases in the securities market is often seen. Those downright lies let people feel endless disappointment to the stock market, some people even think that this is just the tip of the iceberg in the securities market. The financial fraud which has not been revealed is not the minority. False accounting information, seriously twisted the true value of the stock, harmful to the effectiveness of the securities market, is not conducive to the optimal allocation of resources, greatly dampened investors’ confidence to the stock market. Therefore, Chinese securities market is badly in need of establishing credit mechanism to establish the confidence of investors.
Now through reading a large number of documents and combine with professional knowledge and practice experience, we want to find some effective ways to protect and control this bad Phenomenon.
Keywords: listed companies;Financial statement fraud;Protect and Control
目 录
绪论 1
一、概述 2
(一) 研究目的与意义 2
(二) 相关概念 3
二、我国上市公司财务报表造假的现状 4
(一) 虚增“预付账款”项目 4
(二) 虚高产量 5
(三) 虚高“在建工程”项目 6
三、我国上市公司财务造假的原因 7
(一) 上市公司无法抵御巨大收益带来的诱惑力 7
(二) 注册会计师缺乏独立性 7
(三) 政府执法力度尚且不足 8
(四) 单位内部财务人员的诚信意识不够强烈 8
四、针对我国上市公司财务报表造假的治理方法 10
(一) 国内外对于这一问题的研究现状 10
(二) 调研我国某上市公司预防财务造假的方法 10
(三) 结合国内外研究成果及调研结果,提出预防及治理方法 11
五、结论与展望 14
致谢 15
参考文献 16
近年来,随着我国资本市场的快速发展,证券市场也以迅猛的势头迅速崛起,但上市公司财务造假的现象也屡见不鲜。从证券市场建立以来发生了一系列影响重大的财务造假案例,其中包括曾经轰动一时的银广夏,以及事后相继爆出的安然事件。现在,在稻米精加工这一板块中有“第一股”之称的“万福生科”也承认其财务造假行为,成为了现今创业板块中的第一支财务造假的股票。这一造假行为不仅给投资者造成了不可弥补的巨大损失,也极大地打击了投资者对于证券市场的信心,产生了恶劣的影响,社会各界也对此次财务造假案件十分关注。 我国上市公司财务报表造假及其治理研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_31914.html