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时间:2022-01-28 17:01来源:毕业论文



The Present Situation and Countermeasures of the Development of China 's Commercial Bank' s Financial Management 

Abstract:In recent years, China's economic development is in a steady and rapid growth rate, the national income level continues to grow, so the commercial bank personal financial services demand continues to grow。 The personal financial industry of China's commercial banks has developed rapidly in recent years。 However, there are still many problems in R & D, marketing and service and innovation of financial products。 It is difficult to meet the growing demand for financial products for current residents and inpiduals。 To the Internet business, electricity business giants in the Internet financial aspects of the vigorous development of traditional commercial banks to bring a strong impact。 Based on the development course of China's commercial banks 'wealth management business, this paper extensively refers to the works, periodicals and websites of the financial management business of commercial banks, and the database terminals。 Through the questionnaire survey of residents' clients and the field practice investigation of several commercial banks, The practical problems that need to be solved in the financial business of China's commercial banks, and put forward specific opinions on these problems so that commercial banks can not be eliminated in the coming Internet financial age。

KeyWords: Commercial banks;Financial business; Internet finance


一、绪论 1

(一) 研究背景和意义 1

(二) 国内外文献综述 2

(三) 研究方法描述 3

二、我国商业银行理财业务的发展现状 4

(一) 萌芽及快速发展期( 2004—2006) 4

(二) 品种丰富期( 2007—2009) 4

(三) 现金池管理模式发展期( 2010 年至今) 4

三、我国商业银行理财业务发展存在的问题 6

(一) 产品同质化严重,品牌特色模糊 6

(二) 缺乏高素质的专业理财人员 7

(三) 理财业务操作不透明 7

(四) 互联网金融强力冲击传统商业银行 8

四、关于我国商业银行进一步发展理财业务的建议 11

(一) 培养创新意识,推动品牌建设 我国商业银行理财业务发展的现状及对策:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_89081.html
