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时间:2022-03-12 21:04来源:毕业论文



YS Communications Company's domestic business tax planning

Abstract: Tax payment has always been the responsibility of an enterprise, but also a very large operating costs of a business, the country is necessary to maintain the normal operation of the national income。 Changes in tax policy, the moment affects the lifeblood of a business as well as a company's daily business activities are able to carry out normal? However, due to business owners do not pay attention to tax accounting, resulting in a long time in China's enterprises in tax planning is not ideal。 Tax planning is to make full use of tax policy loopholes or make full use of the tax policy of preferential policies, merit selection in many tax scheme, for the enterprise to reduce the cost of operating expenses, to achieve the final amount of tax profit maximization。 In this paper, the mobile communication industry – YS company, after the camp changed to increase the tax plan for a brief discussion。

Keywords:  logistic cost  cost calculation  logistics  activity-based cost method

目  录

绪论 1

(一) 税务筹划研究背景 1

(二)通信企业加强纳税筹划的意义 1

(三) 税务筹划研究方法 2

一、税务筹划基本理论 2

(一) 税务筹划概念与特点 2

1。税务筹划定义 2

2。 税务筹划特点 3

3。 税务筹划与避税区别 3

二、 YS公司税务筹划现状 4

(一) YS公司基本情况 4

1。 YS公司简介 4

(二)国内业务涉及税种 4

(三)税务筹划中存在问题 5

1。 增值税发票管理风险 5

2。视同销售业务识别 5

3。 混合销售的划分 6

4。超范围抵扣的风险 6

5。跨期抵扣的风险 6

三、移动税务筹划对策分析 7

(一)合理利用财税优怠政策 7

(二)对供应商的合理选择 7

(三)对现有业务的优化 7

(四)加强进项管理,尽量获取专票 8

四、 主要的税务筹划方法运用及效果 YS通讯公司国内业务税收筹划:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_90952.html
