时间:2018-07-17 21:25 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要:生物炭是农业废弃物资源化利用的产物,是生物质在缺氧或厌氧条件下,低温热解而形成的含碳量较高的一类物质。生物炭施用于土壤不仅可以增加土壤中碳的储量,减少CO2的释放,而且还可改善土壤的物理、化学和生物学性质,提高土壤肥力。同时,生物炭还具有促进植物生长、降低重金属和有机污染物生物有效性等作用,在农业和环保领域应用较多。此外,近几年细菌对重金属离子的吸附的研究也是进行的如火如荼,而对重金属吸附菌和生物炭的共同利用这方面的研究也有待进行。因此,本研究选取不同秸秆来源在400℃和600℃制备的生物炭作为研究对象,研究其对铅镉的吸附作用,探究生物炭和巨大芽孢杆H3菌株对铅镉吸附的协同作用。研究发现400℃制备的生物炭的吸附性能比600℃制备的生物炭高,水稻秸秆炭的吸附性能比玉米秸秆炭高,这两种生物炭对铅的吸附能力高于对镉的吸附能力,而生物炭和H3菌株的互作会降低吸附性能。25700 毕业论文关键词:生物炭;秸秆;巨大芽孢杆菌H3;镉;铅 Different crop straw biochar adsorption of bacteria and the effect of lead and cadmium Abstract: Biochar is a product of agricultural waste resource utilization, biomass in anoxic and anaerobic conditions, low temperature pyrolysis to form a high carbon content of the material. Biochar applied to the soil can not only increase the storage of the carbon in the soil, reduce the release of CO2, but also can improve soil physical, chemical and biological properties of improving soil fertility. At the same time, the biochar also can promote plant growth; reduce the effect such as heavy metals and organic pollutants biological efficiency, widely applied in the field of agriculture and environmental protection. In addition, bacteria in recent years, the study of heavy metal ions adsorption is on, and the adsorption of heavy metals by microbes and biochar together using the research also needs to be.Therefore, this study selected different preparation temperature, different sources of biochar as the research objects. The study focuses the influence on cadmium adsorption and its huge synergy of cadmium adsorption between bacillus. The results showed that its adsorption properties of the biochar at pyrolysis temperature of 400 ℃ was higher than biachar at 600 ℃. The rice straw biochar adsorption performance is higher than maize straw biochar. The adsorption capacity of lead by these two kinds of biochar is higher than the adsorption capacity of cadmium. The adsorption by biochar and Bacillus megaterium H3 interaction was reduced. Key words: Biochar;Straw;Bacillus megaterium H3;Cadmium;Lead 目 录 摘要1 关键词1 Abstract1 Key words1 引言1 1材料与方法2 1.1实验材料 2 1.2实验方法 2 1.2.1生物炭的制备2 1.2.2铅镉对H3菌株的致死浓度 2 1.2.3生物炭对溶液中铅镉的去除作用3 1.2.4生物炭协同细菌对溶液中铅镉的去除作用3 1.2.5生物炭对细菌的吸附作用4 2结果与分析4 2.1生物炭制备4 2.2铅和镉对H3的致死浓度4 2.3生物炭对溶液中铅镉的去除作用4 2.3.1 镉离子处理组4 2.3.2铅离子处理组5 2.4生物炭协同细菌对溶液中铅镉的去除作用6 2.4.1镉离子处理组6 2.4.2铅离子处理组8 3讨论 10 3.1成炭温度对活性炭性质的影响10 3.2原料生物质种类对活性炭性质的影响10 3.3活性炭与重金属和重金属吸附菌10 3.4展望10 致谢11 参考文献11 不同作物秸秆生物炭吸附细菌和铅镉的作用 引言 生物炭(Biochar),近几年越来越多地出现在各类科学期刊中,Biochar是Bio和Charcoal的缩写,是2007年在澳大利亚第一届国际生物炭会议上确定下来的,国内一些研究机构将其翻译为生物炭、生物碳、生物质炭、生物质焦等。国际生物炭行动组织(International Biochar Initiative,IBI)将生物炭定义为:生物炭是一种细颗粒状木炭,富含有机碳且难降解,是由植物或废弃的原材料经髙温热裂解而生成的,属于广义概念上黑炭的一种类型。作为一种土壤改良剂,生物炭形成了一个顽强的碳负性的土壌碳结合体,并将大气中二氧化碳储存到高度抗性的土壤碳库中。土壤中施用了生物炭后,其营养持久性增强,不仅减少了作物对肥料的需求,而且对于气候和环境一定的影响[1]。 (责任编辑:qin) |