时间:2018-10-26 11:42 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要:为了探究温度对细菌间互作关系的影响,我们以本实验室筛选并用红色荧光蛋白标记过的一株番茄青枯病病原菌(Ralstonia solanacearum RS-RFP)、一株青枯病病原菌的协同菌(Phyllobacterium ifriqiyense HR69)和一株青枯病病原菌的拮抗菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens T-5)为试验菌株,首先研究了HR69和T-5对RS-RFP生长的影响,然后研究了不同温度对三个菌生长的影响,最后研究了不同温度对三个菌的互作关系的影响。结果表明HR69能够促进RS-RFP的生长,而T-5却抑制RS-RFP的生长;T-5在15 ℃时生长状况很差,而HR69在35 ℃时基本不能生长;温度会影响HR69对RS-RFP的促进,也会影响T-5对RS-RFP的抑制作用。由此得出结论,青枯菌既有抑制者也有促进者,而且菌株对青枯菌的抑制作用或促进作用会受到温度的影响。29688 毕业论文关键词:温度;青枯菌;根际;互作关系 Effects of temperature on the interaction among the bacteria in rhizosphere Abstract: It is known that plant rhizospherical soil is a huge pool for multifarious microorganisms, and we think that there should be some partners for helping the phytopathogen to invade intendedly or occasionally based on some unprosperous results using specific microbes in filed against pathogens. Besides, the plant immune system and the activity of bacteria in soil can be deeply affected by temperature. Based on the purpose of investigating the effects of temperature on the interaction among several bacteria, we operated three strains, RS-RFP, HR69 and T-5 in this study. Notably, the RS-RFP belong to the genus Ralstonia solanacearum, while the HR69 and the T-5 are from Phyllobacterium ifriqiyense and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens respectively. Here, we began our research by testing development of the RS-RFP while coexisting with the HR69 and the T-5 separately, after which the study proceeded with measuring the role of temperature in influencing the status of these three strains and their interaction happening in our system. In this study, we show that the HR69 can stimulate the development of the RS-RFP while the T-5 inhibits them. Besides, temperature also has opposed influence on the promotion caused by the HR69 and the inhibition of T-5. All in all, there are facilitators and inhibitors for Ralstonia solanacearum, and temperature could affect the specific increase and decline. Key words: Temperature;Ralstonia solanacearum;Rhizosphere;Interaction 目 录 摘要1 关键词1 Abstract…1 Key words1 引言…1 1材料与方法…3 1.1实验材料 …3 1.1.1供试菌株3 1.1.2培养基和试剂3 1.1.3仪器设备3 1.2叶杆菌HR69和解淀粉芽孢杆菌T-5对青枯菌RS-RFP的作用效果测定 3 1.2.1菌种活化3 1.2.2试管培养3 1.2.3转接孔板培养以及RS生长情况的测定…4 1.2.4取样和稀释涂布…4 1.2.5平板菌落计数…4 1.3不同温度对青枯菌RS-RFP、叶杆菌HR69和解淀粉芽孢杆菌T-5生长的影响实验4 1.3.1菌种活化及试管培养…4 1.3.2不同温度对三株菌生长的影响测定…4 1.4不同温度对三株菌互作关系的影响5 1.4.1菌种活化及试管培养…5 1.4.2转接孔板培养5 1.4.3取样计数…6 1.4.4平板菌落计数…6 1.5数据处理…6 2结果与分析…6 2.1菌株HR69和T-5分别对青枯菌RS的作用效果…6 2.2不同温度对青枯菌RS-RFP、叶杆菌HR69和解淀粉芽孢杆菌T-5生长的影响7 2.3不同温度对三株菌互作关系的影响8 2.3.1不同温度下,T-5和HR69对青枯菌RS-RFP数量的影响8 2.3.2不同温度下,不同处理时的叶杆菌HR69的数量…9 2.3.3不同温度下,不同处理时的解淀粉芽孢杆菌T-5的数量9 (责任编辑:qin) |