时间:2020-04-12 15:38 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要生物质炭作为一种土壤改良剂正在得到越来越多的关注,但是其对土壤动物的影响却知之甚少。为探究生物质炭的添加对土壤线虫营养类群和功能多样性的影响,本研究采用竹木废料为原料制成的生物质炭,在宁波天童国家森林公园设置对照(0kg/ha)、低炭(400kg/ha)和高炭(1200kg/ha)3种处理对其进行比较研究。结果表明:(1)生物质炭的添加提高了0-10cm土层中食细菌、杂食性、捕食性和植食性线虫的丰度;(2)生物质炭添加对土壤线虫的营养类群的多样性和成熟指数并没有显著影响;(3)生物质炭添加对土壤线虫通路比值的影响并不显著。上述结果表明,生物质炭添加在短时间内虽然一定程度上改变了线虫营养类群的组成,但并不能足以导致土壤线虫的生态功能的改变。进一步了解生物质碳添加对土壤生物多样性及其相关功能的影响需要长期监测数据。47681 Abstract While studies have focused on the use of biochar as soil amendment, little attention has been paid to its effect on soil fauna. The biochar was produced from slow pyrolysis of Bamboo and wood waste in the present study. Three treatments: Contrast (0kg/ha), Little biochar (400kg/ha) and High biochar (1200kg/ha), were investigated to assess the effect of biochar addition to soil on nematode feeding groups and functional persity in TianTong evergreen broad-leaf forest. Results:(1)Biochar addition improving the abundance of plant feeding, Bacterial feeding, Omnivorous, Carnivorous nematode feeding groups in 0-10cm soil layer. (2)Biochar addition have no significant effect on soil nematode trophic persity and maturity index. (3) Biochar addition also have no significant effect on nematode channel ratio. Experiments results indicate that biochar addition can change the composition of nematode feeding groups, but these change not lead to the change of soil nematode ecological functions. Further studies are needed to determine the long-term effect of biochar application on soil biopersity and functional persity. 毕业论文关键词:生物质炭、 线虫、 营养类群、功能多样性 Keyword: biochar; nematode; feeding groups; functional persity; 目录 1. 引 言: 4 2. 研究地点与方法: 4 2.1:研究地点 4 2.1实验设计: 4 2.2土壤样品采集: 4 2.3线虫样品处理和分析: 4 2.4数据分析和统计: 5 3. 结果 5 3.1 土壤线虫的总密度 5 3.2 土壤线虫的营养类群组成 5 3.3 土壤线虫功能多样性指数 6 4. 讨 论 8 1. 引 言: 生物质炭是生物材料在缺氧条件下高温热解而形成一种含碳极其丰富的固态物质。生物质炭的元素组成主要有碳(66.6%~87.9%)、氢(1.2%~2.9%)、氧(10.6%~26.6%),其次主要包括钾、钙、钠、镁、硅等的灰分元素[1]。 生物质炭还具有发达的孔隙结构和巨大的比表面积,含有大量羧基、羟基、醛基等含氧官能团,丰富的含氧官能团产生表面负电荷,从而使生物质炭具有较高的阳离子交换量(CEC)。另外,高度发达的孔隙结构和表面负电荷赋予生物质炭很强的吸附性能,能吸附水、土壤中的无机离子及极性或非极性有机化合物[2]。 (责任编辑:qin) |