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时间:2019-09-17 20:06来源:毕业论文

Morphological and Compositional Characteristics of Mahonia bealei Flower
Abstract: This study aimed at adding references to biological researches of Mahonia bealei such as pollination. By using stereoscope and microscope with paraffin section, the author further observed the form and composition of Mahonia bealei fiower, especially the features of the gland and the pollination. The results showed that Mahonia bealei is of monochlamydeous flower of no obvious differentiation of a calyx and a corolla. The lower tapels, which is smaller, is hardly distingushable to the upper ones in form and color, etc. There was separately a conical swellen part or protrusion on each interior side of the innermost tapel base. The swellen part was multicellular with dense cytoplasm, but without vascular bundles. There is secretion droplet in the base cavity of a flower. Thus the conical swellen part on each interior side of the innermost tapel base is a nectar gland. The discoid stigma is moist or with mucus of glandular epidermis consisting of cells with a tip hair outsides and dense cytoplasm. The anther is slightly extrose, while maturing, dehisces along the lateral and basal margins to form two lobes, and then the lobes erects and reverses with pollen grains toward the pistil or stigma, forming an exceptional pattern of pollination.
Keywords: Mahonia bealei; flower; anatomy; morphology; development; gland; valvular dehiscence of anther
引言    1
1 材料与方法    2
1.1实验材料    2
1.2 实验方法    2
1.2.1药品配制    3
1.2.2徒手切片过程:    3
1.2.3石蜡制片过程:    3
2 结果与讨论    4
3 讨论    8
致谢    8
参考文献    8
阔叶十大功劳(Mahonia bealei)是小檗科(Berberidaceae)十大功劳属(Mahonia)的植物,原产于我国。阔叶十大功劳可作为灌木或者小乔木,叶呈长圆形或狭倒卵形,背面被白霜,两面叶脉不明显。总状花序直立,一般为3-9个簇生;花黄色,花瓣通常为倒卵状椭圆形,基部腺体明显;果为浆果,卵形深蓝色,被白粉。花期11月-翌年3月,果期一般为4-8月[1]。
(2)扦插繁殖:扦插法一般适用于少量繁殖,在2-3月进行硬枝扦插较为适宜。五月搭建遮阴棚,在此期间要保持苗床湿润,晴天要喷雾保湿,每天进行,大约两个月即可生根。 [3]
(3)快速繁殖:十大功劳繁殖一般采用无性繁殖,可通过生物技术手段来进行十大功劳的快速繁殖,同时规模生产,对展开十大功劳的人工繁殖研究有一定的参考价值。[4] 阔叶十大功劳花形态组成特征:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_39387.html