摘要:为研究化学杂交剂SX-1对甘蓝型油菜的杀雄效果,利用油菜5个骨干亲本 P1-P5作母本,采用相同质量浓度化学杂交剂SX-1,对所有其进行2次喷施杀雄处理,第1次喷施在油菜的最大花蕾直径约为2mm,油菜平均苔高约为18cm时进行,第2次喷施在第1次喷施后10天左右进行,最大花蕾直径约为3mm,油菜平均苔高约为50 cm,从而研究这些母本喷施后不育株率、不育度以及花器官变化情况,并比较喷施后对农艺性状和产量的影响。 结果表明,P1-P5号甘蓝型油菜种植区域内母本的不育株率分别为:98 %、100%、98%、98%、99%,并且母本无药害反应,植株叶色轻微变浅,茎干微紫,对植株的生长并没有产生抑制;部分父本植株由于喷施过程中沾染少量化杀剂,对其生长发育起到了一定的抑制,株高有所降低,可能会影响到单株产量。在油菜亲本P1-P5最大花蕾直径约为2mm,油菜平均苔高约为18 cm时进行首次喷施,首次喷施后10天左右进行第2次喷施,以质量浓度6.5mg/L、7-8mg/L, 各亲本均获得了较好的杀雄效果。39720
Effect of male sterility in Brassica napus L. analysis
Abstract:In order to analyze the male sterility effect of chemical hybridizing agent SX-1 on Brassica napus., the core parents P1-P5 as materials, they were spryied with the same concentration of chemicals hybridizing agent SX-1 with two times when the parent plant height was 18cm -20cm with 2mm max buds in the first, then the second spraying was conducted ten days after the first action with maximum diameter buds 3 mm, and average plant height 55-75 cm. the results showed that the male sterile rate p1-p5 parent were 98%、100%、98%、98%、99%,respectively and without significant phytotoxicity reaction, their agronomic traits have not obvious changing comparing to CK. The other side,such as the leaf color is slightly lighter, stems purplish, the plant growth vigour were not significantly inhibited,the female part vogour showed normal cross fruitfulness.gConclusion:with 6.5 mg/L concentration, when the maximum diameter of the flower buds 2 mm and the average plant height 18cm,10 days later, the same spraying action was conducted with 7-8mg/L SX-1, all parent showed better male sterility and cross fruitfulness.
Key words:SX-1;Brassica napus L; CHA(chemical hybridization agent)
摘要 4
引言 5
1.材料与方法 5
1.1材料 5
1.2方法 5
2.结果与分析 6
2.1植株花期形态 6
2.2农艺性状和育性 8
2.3喷施SX-1诱导甘蓝型油菜的不育率 9
3.讨论 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11SX-1对甘蓝型油菜杀雄效果分析引言
油菜[1--5]是成功利用杂种优势途径选育优良品种的较早的作物之一。油菜杂种优势的运用在过去的几十年里取得了很大的成功。应用化学药剂诱导油菜雄性不育, 配制两系杂交组合是利用杂种优势的一条可行途径[1]。化学杂交剂是一种能中止可以选择性杀死油菜花粉或抑制油菜花粉发育,但不影响雌性结实的化学药物。这种化杀剂引起的生理型雄性不育是获取油菜杂交种的重要途径之一。国内科学工作者又把化学杂交剂称为化学杀雄剂。利用化学杂交剂育种具有很多优点,如亲本选择的范围更广,可以自由组配,选育品种速度以及品种更新换代加快,繁殖制种程序更简单,节约土地以及经济成本等。因此,化学杂交剂在油菜杂交育种方面的应用变得十分广泛。由于化学杂交剂在作物杂交育种方面的技术越来越成熟,越来越多的育种专家在化学杂交剂对作物杂交育种技术进行更广泛的研究和探讨。本文主要探讨化学杂交剂SX-1对油菜亲本的杀雄效果以及对农艺性状的影响,以探讨其最佳应用浓度及喷施时期。 SX-1对甘蓝型油菜杀雄效果分析:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_40128.html