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时间:2021-01-02 11:34来源:毕业论文



Tong lv canal century park plant configuration design

Abstract:Tong lu canal is Jiangsu famous navigable canal which is the first civilization templet channel in Nantong, Nantong west, east to lusi, runs through the city chongchuan district of, Hong Kong gate area, Tong Zhou district, Hai Men, Qi Dong city, such as main economic developed area, 78.85 km, among them, the tong lu canal city section of 13.5 km, is the city chongchuan district of central city zone and port in the brake hub river, outside of the Yangtze river, close to the city core economic circle, is the main channel of inland water transport, nantong is referred to as the "first canal". Century park project is located in tong lu canal section. Tong lu canal road on both sides of the east to the kindle, jinchuan road on the west, wenchang road on the south, north to line root path. Design with concise and easy design technique, focused and axis is given priority to. To land at the same time as the canal protection and the function of the urban green space should be. As tongzhou district key development project, it must comply with local cultural characteristics and trend of the modern landscape, reflect the local cultural characteristics, the design should reflect it pounds thinner when imposing manner, highlight the primary and secondary. Design content is century park plant configuration design, mainly including plant layout, plant functional zoning map, tree design drawings and shrubs. 

Key Words:Sponge Park; Landscape Design; Plant Configuration Design; Riverfront; Wetlands

目  录

1 引言 -- 1

2 背景分析-- 3

3 基地现状分析- 4

3.1 区位分析- 4

3.2 周边环境分析 4

3.3 自然条件分析 4

3.3.1 地理地质 4

3.3.2 自然资源 4

3.4 基地现状物质空间环境分析 4

4 设计理念与目的-- 5

4.1 设计理念--5

4.2 设计目的- 5

4.3 设计原则- 5

4.3.1植物设计与景观规划配置的一致性 5

4.3.2植物品种以乡土树种为主-- 5

4.3.3植物品种的多样性-- 5

4.3.4 植物的季相变化- 5

4.3.5 可持续性- 5

4.4 设计要素-   5

4.4.1 安全性 5

4.4.2 生态性 6

4.4.3 人本性 6

4.4.4 特色性- 7

5 设计方法与内容- 8

5.1 总体布局-- 8

5.2 植物配置方法- 8

5.2.1 水生植物配置 8

5.2.2 组团植物配置 8

5.2.3 树阵植物配置 8

5.2.4 创意办公区-- 8

5.2.5 花园酒店区-- 8

6 结束语--9



海绵城市是一个城市雨洪综合管理系统,植物更是海绵城市中收水的重要组成部分。目前国内针对海绵城市中植物的功能、选择原则及设计方法等的研究比较滞后,导致在海绵城市的设计实施阶段,往往无法正确的选择植物,及提供适当的生存环境,难以充分发挥植物各自的雨水净化效果,一定程度上制约了海绵城市建设发展。在这个背景下,研究海绵城市植物配置的意义也就非常重要。 通吕运河世纪公园植物配置:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_67625.html
