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时间:2021-01-19 16:50来源:毕业论文


Abstract Psychomania is one of the commonest mental illnesses, which is lack of complete diagnostic criteria and obvious treatment effect. In order to study its mechanisms and provide theoretical basis for developing effective treatment for mania, this experiment takes hyperactive mouse as model. The mice were genetically engineered mice (TRE-ErbB2) whose phenotype can be genetic. Through the research of behavioristics pathological mechanisms, it is found that Waltzer mice have big differences with normal mice. These differences are mainly showing in the over-responses to the stimulation, spontaneous rapid horizontal rotation under stimulation, and movement active in the excited state on the Waltzer are worse than the normal mice. Waltzer anxiety in mice is weaker than normal mice, and exercise capacity and resistance to fatigue have little difference with normal mice. By Western blot and immunofluorescence study on pathological mechanism, the present experimental results show little overall difference. Mouse brain regions the overall shape (HE staining) have larger ventricles in mice than in the normal mice. The mouse model is typical of mental illness, and its research findings have potential medical conversion value.

毕业论文关键词: 狂躁症小鼠; 行为学实验; 病理机制   

Keyword:  Hyperactive mouse; Behavioral science experiments; Pathological mechanism

引言 4

1.材料与方法 5

1.1实验材料 5

1.1.1实验小鼠 5

1.1.2主要试剂和仪器 5

1.2实验方法 7

1.2.1行为研究(确立诊断狂躁指标) 7强迫游泳 7旷场实验 8水迷宫 8

1.2.2病理研究实验 8蛋白质印迹(Western blot)初步探讨病理机制。 8

2.结果与分析 10

2.1行为学实验数据 10

2.1.1强迫游泳 11

2.1.2旷场实验 11

2.1.3水迷宫实验 12

2.1.4转棒实验 13

2.2病理分析 13

2.2.1HE染色 13

2.2.2WB实验 13

2.2.3免疫荧光 狂躁症小鼠的行为学和病理学研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_68589.html
