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时间:2021-06-01 23:03来源:毕业论文



Abstract:  Fusarium wilt is a common disease on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), which has brought severe loss to agriculture production. In recent years, great progess has been made in controlling this disease by biological control method and a persified development trend is presented.Bio-control has become an important and effective mean against Fusarium wilt in cucumber. Based rotation model of melon mushroom in cucumber rhizosphere soil samples, strains in vitro enzyme activity checks and antagonistic effect of plate experiments to filter to control cucumber wilt disease biocontrol strains. The results show that 172 strains, with chitinase activity of 51 strains had; with siderophore enzyme activity of 59 strains; with the activity of IAA production of 25 strains; with ACC deaminase activity has 86 strains and 172 strains have cellulase activity. In addition, with Fusarium oxysporum in antagonism of the 172 strains only 9 strains. Aimed at laying the foundations for production in the prevention and cure of cucumber Fusarium wilt.

Keywords: cucumber Fusarium wilt;  biocontrol;  antagonistic bacteria


1.前言 4

2.材料与方法 5

2.1菌株分离 5

2.2培养基与试剂 5

2.3产酶和代谢产物活性测定 6

2.3.1几丁质酶活性检测 6

2.3.2产嗜铁素活性检测 6

2.3.3纤维素酶活性的检测 6

2.3.4产IAA细菌的定性测定 6

2.3.5产ACC脱氨酶活性菌株筛选 7

2.4平板拮抗实验 7

2.4.1拮抗菌的筛选 7

3.结果与分析 7

4.讨论 12

结论 14

参考文献 15

致谢 17


   黄瓜枯萎病(cucumber Fusarium wilt)又称萎蔫病、蔓割病、死秧病等,是一种具有世界性的毁灭性土传真菌病害,且在我国各地均有发生。黄瓜枯萎病的病原菌是尖孢镰刀黄瓜专化型(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerinum Owen),病原菌从其根部伤口和根毛生长点侵入植株,进入破坏黄瓜植株的根茎和叶的维管束,使得其吸收和运输水分的功能丧失,最终将导致黄瓜植株的枯萎死亡[1,7]。枯萎病一般会造成黄瓜的产量下降10%~30%,但严重时可能会下降80%~90%,是黄瓜病害中最为严重且造成经济损失最大的病害之一。随着每年黄瓜种植面积的逐渐扩大,由此带来的损失更为严重。因此,深入研究有效防治黄瓜枯萎病的方法已成为当前生产中的重要问题[2,8]。论文网 瓜菇轮作模式中黄瓜枯萎病生防菌株的筛选与评价:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_76325.html
