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时间:2023-03-21 22:55来源:毕业论文

摘要教材是实现教学目的的主要手段,在教学改革中处于先导与核心地位。通过比较研究不 同版本的教材,能有效地促进课程改革和教材改革的发展和完善。上海、浙江作为教育改革 的先驱大省,对这两个省份教材的比较研究,可以给予后续教材的改革一定的启示:1。课堂 应结合教材,教材应注重课堂;2。教材应结合学情;3。教材应注重连贯性;4。教材应重视习 题与导入;5。教材的深度与广度相结合。87987

本文以一次方程(组)部分为例,对浙教版与沪教版两版教材进行分析与比较。从整体 结构、知识点、例题习题三个方面出发对浙教版与沪教版的一次方程(组)部分进行比较与 分析。结果及启示:沪教版注重思维的培养,浙教版注重应用与实践。老师应因材施教,吸 取不同版本的精华;教材的编写注意习题与引入的设置。

The teaching material is the main method to realize the teaching goal, and it is in the forerunner and the core position in the teaching reform。 Through the comparative study of different versions of the teaching materials, can effectively promote the curriculum reform and the development of teaching materials reform and improve。 Zhejiang, Shanghai Province as a pioneer of education reform, the two provinces of the comparative study of teaching materials, can be given to follow the reform of teaching materials。 1。the class should be combined with the teaching material, teaching material should be pay attention to the class;2。teaching materials should be combined with learning;3。teaching materials should be pay attention to the continuity;4。teaching materials should pay attention to problem sets and import;5。pay attention to the depth and breadth of the teaching materials。

In this paper ,taking the linear equation (group) as an example, make a comparative study on the junior middle school mathematics teaching textbooks published by “Zhejiang Education Press”and “Shanghai Education Press”。 From the comparison of the whole structure,knowledge points,examples and exercises and the conclusion four aspects of Zhejiang and Shanghai Education Press version on theone

linear equation(group) were compared and analyzed。The results of the analysis and

enlightenment:Shanghai teaching edition pay attention to thinking,Zhejiang pay more attention to the application。Teachers should teach students in accordance with their aptitude,absorbing the essence of different versions of the textbooks;pay attention to exercise and introduced set。

毕业论文关键词:浙教版 ;沪教版 ;一次方程(组) ;分析与比较

Keyword:textbook pressed by Zhejiang Education Press ;textbook pressed by Shanghai Education Press ;one linear equation(group) ;analysis and compare


1。研究背景。 4

2。文献综述。 4

3。研究过程与方法 。 4

3。1 研究目的 。 4

3。2 研究内容 5源-于,优Y尔O论U文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

3。3 研究对象 5

3。4 宏观、微观与细节的分析框架 5

3。5 研究过程及方法 6

3。5。1 论文研究的方法 。 6

3。5。2 论文研究过程 。 6

4。研究结果。 7

4。1 整体结构与编排 7

4。2 知识点数量与顺序 9

4。3 例题、习题数量与编排 10

5。研究启示 10

5。1 浙教版注重应用,沪教版注重思考 11

5。2 沪教版注重知识的广度,浙教版注重知识的深度 浙沪教版初中数学教材比较研究以一次方程组为例:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_150662.html
