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时间:2023-05-31 22:03来源:毕业论文

摘    要数学语言是数学思维的载体,数学学习实质上是数学思维活动,交流是思维活动中重要的环节,实现有效交流的前提是学习和掌握数学语言。本文主要研究数学语言与中学数学老师课堂教学。本文介绍的数学语言主要是叙述语言、符号语言和图形语言。本文主要采用的研究方法有文献调查法、访谈法和个案研究法。在数学语言与中学数学老师课堂教学的研究过程中,存在单一数学语言教学和数学语言与数学思想脱离等问题。本文认为在课堂教学过程中,中学数学老师要善于推敲叙述语言的关键词句,深入探究符号语言的数学意义,合理破译图形语言的数形关系,注重思想方法教学和不同的数学语言教学相结合。88942

Mathematics language is the carrier of mathematical thinking, mathematics learning is essentially mathematical thinking activities, communication is an important link in the whole process of thinking activity, realize the effective communication is the premise of study and master the language of mathematics。 This article focuses on the mathematical language and middle school math teacher classroom teaching。 The mathematical language in this paper is mainly descriptive language, symbolic language and graphic language。 The main methods used in this paper are literature survey, interview method and case study method。 In the course of mathematics language and middle school math teacher classroom teaching, there are problems such as single mathematical language teaching and mathematical language and mathematical thinking。 This article thinks that in the course of classroom teaching, the high school mathematics teacher must be good at scrutiny narrative language key words。 Middle school mathematics teachers need further to explore the mathematical meaning of sign language。 Middle school mathematics teachers need reasonable deciphers the number form graphics language relationship。 The middle school math teacher should pay attention to the thought method teaching and the different mathematics language teaching。


Keyword: mathematical culture; mathematical language;the classroom teaching;middle school mathematics;mathematics thoughts and methods

目    录

摘要 3

1引言 5

1。1选题背景与研究意义 5

1。2国内外研究 5

1。3本文的主要研究内容 6

2叙述语言,找准关键词句 7

2。1叙述语言是介绍数学概念的最基本的表达形式 7

2。2善于推敲叙述语言的关键词句 9

2。2。1二次根式、最简二次根式和同类二次根式 9

2。2。2平行线的概念 10

2。2。3垂径定理的推论 11

3符号语言,理解数学意义 13

3。1符号语言是叙述语言的符号化 14

3。2深入探究符号语言的数学意义 14

4图形语言,源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 破译数形关系 15

4。1图形语言是一种视觉语言 16

4。2合理破译图形语言的数形关系 17

4。2。1长方体直观图的教学 数学语言表达在中学数学教师课堂教学中的案例探索研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_172386.html
