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时间:2024-07-09 22:00来源:95766



Abstract:With the rapid development of China's economy, the popularity of Internet technology, e-commerce platform has become an indispensable part of people's lives. Online shopping is different from the traditional shopping model, it breaks the  geographical, time constraints, while allowing consumers to more easily carry out shopping information collection and purchase of goods. For college students, they are the most sensitive to online shopping, but also easier to accept online shopping. At the same time college students are in their youth, eager to be able to show their own better, and clothing is an important way to show their own. Therefore, due to the convenience of online shopping, as well as the choice of persity, online shopping clothing in the college students become more and more popular.

In this paper, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology students as the survey object, through the form of the questionnaire, from a number of aspects of college students online shopping clothing to investigate. To obtain and collate the data after the statistical software to deal with it, generate the corresponding simple graphics in order to understand the basic situation of college students online shopping clothing; then  college students online shopping clothing and online shopping satisfaction analysis  of  variance, independent sample T test, correlation analysis, Analysis of contingency tables. Finally, in view of some problems in the process of online shopping clothing, put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to help college students to establish a correct concept of consumption, reduce the blindness of online shopping, so as to achieve the rationality of the online shopping process, consumption.

Key word: The status of online shopping clothing; Data processing;   Statistical Analysis


第一章绪论 1

第二章大学生网购服装现状统计 3

2.1大学生网购服装的现状 3

2.1.1大学生网购服装的性别特征 3

2.1.2大学生网购服装的年级特征 3

2.1.3大学生网购服装的金额特征 4

2.1.4大学生网购服装的频率特征 5

2.1.5大学生网购服装的满意程度 6

2.2影响大学生网购服装的因素统计 大学生网购服装的问卷调查分析:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_204229.html
