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时间:2024-07-09 22:21来源:95772





Abstract:Fuzzy clustering is an important branch of unsupervised pattern recognition. Fuzzy clustering is based on the uncertainty of the sample description, in order to more bobjectively reflect the real world, is the mainstream of cluster analysis.

Based on the fuzzy set and fuzzy relation, this paper studies the fuzzy clustering analysis method, establishes the fuzzy equivalence matrix from the fuzzy similarity matrix, makes the dynamic clustering results at different levels, and then discusses the fuzzy statistic The best threshold (horizontal) method.

Finally, the economic development data of 15 cities in the Yangtze River Delta are selected as examples. The results are analyzed using SPSS language and MATLAB language respectively. The advantages and disadvantages of the two kinds of results are analyzed, and the conclusion is drawn that the SPSS language tool is used to deal with the fuzzy clustering problem.

Keywords: Fuzzy clustering analysis;Optimal threshold ; fuzzy matrix


第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题的应用背景 1

1.2模糊理论基础 1

1.2.1模糊集 1

1.2.2模糊关系 2

1.2.3模糊矩阵的基本概念 3

1.3本文的主要内容 3

第二章 模糊聚类分析方法 5

2.1模糊数学的概述 5

2.2模糊聚类分析的一般步骤 6

2.2.1数据标准化 6

2.2.2标定(建立模糊相似矩阵) 7

2.2.3聚类(求动态聚类图) 10

2.3最佳阈值的确定 11

第三章 聚类分析在长三角城市经济发展的应用 13

3.1选择模糊聚类的因子 14

3.2将各项聚类因子赋值 14

3.3数据标准化并求出其模糊相似矩阵 16

3.3.1数据标准化 16

3.3.2建立模糊相似矩阵 16

3.4使用MATLAB语言对长三角城市经济发展模糊聚类分析 17

3.5使用SPSS语言对长三角城市经济发展聚类分析 18

3.6长三角城市经济发展结果分析 19

3.7对策与建议 基于模糊集理论的聚类分析及其应用:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_204237.html
