摘 要:创设情境,引导学生自主探究学习是数学教学的基本策略和手段,恰当的问题情境设计是教师根据教学目标、教学内容、学生的情况、学习方法和相应的教学原则精心设计的,是源于教材、高于教材的创造性活动,也需要教师比传统教学付出更多的劳动.数学探究性学习要有价值,有价值的问题才能引发学生有价值的思考、才能激发学生有意义的探究学习、才能诱发学生去发现创造.实施以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育,关键是改变教师的教学方式和学生的学习方式.设置研究性学习的目的在于改变学生以单纯地接受教师传授知识为主的学习方式,为学生构建开放的学习环境,提供多渠道获取知识、并将学到的知识加以综合应用于实践的机会,培养创新精神和实践能力.54284
Abstract: Creating situation and guiding students independent inquiry to learn is the basic strategy and means of mathematical teaching. Proper question situation design is the teacher according to the teaching goal, teaching content, the situation of students, learning methods and the corresponding teaching principles of elaborate design, from teaching material, teaching material is higher than the creative activities, but also requires teachers to pay than the traditional teaching more work. Mathematics inquiry learning should be valuable, valuable to provoke thinking, students have the value to stimulate students' meaningful learning, can induce students to discover and create. The implementation of quality education to cultivate the innovative spirit and practical ability as the key point, the key is to change the teachers' teaching methods and students' learning ways. On the setting of the study is to change the student to simply accept the teacher knowledge as the main style of study, to build an open learning environment for students, providing multi-channel access to knowledge, and put the knowledge into practice opportunities, cultivate the spirit of innovation and practical ability.
Keywords:mathematics teaching , inquiry, learning
目 录
1 引言 4
2 探究性问题的设计 4
3 探究性学习的实践 4
3.1 创设情境,设置问题 5
3.2 设计悬念,猜想问题 5
3.3 抛砖引玉,提出问题 6
3.4 分层设计,创设问题 6
3.5 联系实际,巧设问题 7
4 探究性学习的运用 8
结 论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
1 引言
2 探究性问题的设计 数学教学中探究性学习的尝试:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_58487.html