Investigation of the Zhoukou Normal University sports education specializedstudents professional ability
Abstract:In this paper, using the method of literature, questionnaire survey method,interview method, mathematical statistics method for interns majoring in physical education professional ability of Zhoukou Normal University conducted a survey and research systems, mainly for the physical education student teaching ability,basic knowledge and skills, ability to use teaching aids, know training ability were studied and discussed, and points out the existence of problems, defects and deficiencies, and gives relevant solutions and solutions. Through investigation and research conclusion: 1 most of the internship education ability is quite prominent, followed by the ability to organize activities is relatively good. 2 to guide the training ability, teaching ability and scientific research innovation abilityuse will be further improved. 3 teaching ability, which moves the teachers and do very well, but the curriculum resources development and emergency handlingcapacity needs to be strengthened.
Keywords: normal; physical education; survey; capacity; adjustment
目 录
摘 要 3
引言 4
1.研究对象与方法 4
1.1研究对象 4
1.2研究方法 4
2.研究结果与分析 5
2.1 体育教育实习生对体育教育实习的重视程度 5
2.2 体育学院体育教育专业实习生专业知识的构成 6
2.3 体育学院体育教育专业实习生专业能力的构成 7
2.4 体育教育实习生体育科学研究能力情况 12
2.5体育学院体育教育专业实习生专业能力综合表现的情况 13
3.结论与建议 13
3.1 结论 13
3.2建议 13
参考文献 13
附件 13
致谢 13
通过对实习生专业能力的调查与分析,总结出实习生在专业能力上存在的一些问题,并根据这些问题及时地调整策略,改进方法以适应时代变化以及社会的需要,从而培养出在教学中具备更强的专业能力和素质的大学生。体育教育专业学生的专业能力是指能够完成学校教育中赋予体育教师教学、训练等工作所必备的生理素质和心理特点的综合表现,是将来从事体育教育教学活动所必需的专门能力。体育教师的素质直接或者间接决定和影响着着我国中小学生的素质和观念,所以提高体育教育实习生的专业能力已经成为了当前我国教育的一个新期待。师范高校作为培育未来的体育教师,需要承担提升体育教育专业学生的专业能力的任务,以便为社会培养出适应需求的专业性人才。 体育教育专业实习生专业能力的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_15267.html