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时间:2024-05-19 08:47来源:95432



Influence of urban residents' Sports Behavior on urban sports spatial production Take the main city of Zhenjiang as an example

Abstract:The sports consciousness of Zhenjiang residents has  gradually increased, showing great enthusiasm for sports activities, and the emergence of sports space production. Through the study of residents' sports behavior and space, draw the following conclusions: the city sports space production is social relations products, government plays a leading role, benefit to serve the residents, the physical behavior of residents, the demand for sports exercise plays a decisive role in the production of space. In depth and thorough understanding of the needs of the masses, from the masses of the idea, rational planning, layout, production of sports space, in order to meet the needs of the times. Sports space production, including sports venues, facilities design, planning and layout. Urban sports space is the carrier for residents to do sports activities. The design and planning should take into account the age level of residents, exercise their needs, and design the physical and psychological needs of the elderly and children. The ideal sports space production is centered on the community sports space, and complementary with the sports space such as the square and the school. Zhenjiang sports space production needs to be supplemented, the overall quantity is insufficient and the spatial function is few, makes up for the service radius too big loophole. Improve facilities and service levels, timely maintenance of sports facilities. Improve the combination of the surrounding space, reduce the threshold of large stadiums and strengthen the integration and utilization of resources.

Key words: urban residents; sports behavior; sports space production;Zhenjiang

0引言 5

1研究的目的与意义 5

1.1选题的目的 5

1.2选题的意义 5

2国内外研究现状 5

2.1国外研究现状 5

2.2国内研究现状 6

3研究方法和研究对象 7

3.1研究方法 7

3.1.1.文献资料法 城市居民体育行为对城市体育空间生产的影响:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_203914.html
