Abstract:Preparatory activities in the teaching process of physical education is indispensable, although it only accounted for the total hours one fifth of about, but for a fundamental part of the next do the preparation of psychology, physiology and sport skills, basic parts is an important premise of, the whole physical education class teaching effect plays a decisive role, so it should be attached importance to each PE teachers and students。 This article uses the literature method, observation method, analysis method and inductive method and other methods of preparation activities in physical education on the body, analyzes and demonstrates the influence of mental and motor skills。 Results show that preparatory activities can not only improve student's physiological function and the body has a positive role in promoting, but also can eliminate the students psychological fear, overcome bad psychological, personality and stimulate students interest in sport, develop the collective consciousness and inspire thinking activities and strengthen each class of special skills, so as to lay a foundation for the whole class teaching content, so that students can better master sports skills。
Key words: Preparation activity, physical education teaching, function
1。 前言 3
2。 研究对象及方法 3
2。1 研究对象 3
2。2研究方法 3
2。2。1文献资料法 3
2。2。2观察法 4
2。2。3分析与归纳法 4
3.分析与讨论 4
3。1 在体育课中准备活动对身体的作用 4
3。1。1 对运动系统的作用 4
3。1。2 对心肺系统的作用 5
3。1。3 对神经系统的作用 5
3。2在体育课中准备活动对心理调节的作用 6
3。2。1为学生在心理上做好充分准备 6
3。2。2 消除恐惧心理 6
3。2。3 克服不良心理个性 6
3。2。4 激发学生的运动兴趣和启发思维活动 7
3。3在体育课中准备活动对运动技能形成的作用 7
4。结论 8
参考文献 9致谢。10
1。 前言
通常所说的热身活动就是准备活动,在使身体各器官系统预先得到适当活动,为逐步提高运动强度和做各种运动动作作准备,以预防伤害事故。 准备活动在体育课中的作用:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_93499.html