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时间:2022-09-18 08:44来源:毕业论文

摘要随着我国的教育模式越来越朝着素质教育发展,学生在学校的体育活动也越加增多[[[] 工岩。我国学校体育伤害事故致因模型及其预防[N]。北京体育大学博士论文,2011。


本文是运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等方法对镇江市中学生体育意外损害事故现状进行调查研究,得出以下结论:镇江市中学生经常性的发生体育损害事故;学生体育损害事故特点有学校管理不善、学生自身好奇造成、本人一时疏忽和其他特点等;镇江市中学学生体育损害事故的原因有因学校责任造成的事故、 因学生责任造成的事故、其他因素而发生的事故。根据上述结论,给出以下建议:树立积极的防范意识;建立健全学校预防体育损害工作责任制度;落实学校体育安全防范措施;做好易伤体育教学内容的安全防范工作体育教师要提高其工作的责任感和事业心。


Abstract    With the implementation of the comprehensive promotion of quality education, school sports should be more colorful。 But in recent years, the news media often reported various types of Middle School Students' Physical accidental damage event unexpectedly sudden death。 Therefore, preventive measures, the accident rate is reduced minimum, be placed in front of us sports educators an important task, for reasons Student Injury accidents were analyzed and proposed effective prevention mechanism has become urgently important issue to solve。

This article is the use of literature, interviews, questionnaires and statistical methods such as Zhenjiang  Middle School sports injuries Situation accident investigation, the following conclusions: Zhenjiang City high school students frequency of occurrence of several sports injuries is relatively high ; student injury accidents characteristics are poor school management, students themselves curious result, they inadvertently and other particulars; Zhenjiang City Middle school student injury accident causes are accidents due to school liability caused by the accident due to the student responsibility caused by other factors the accident occurred。 According to the above conclusion, given the following recommendations: to establish a positive awareness; establish and improve school sports safety responsibility system; implement school sports safety precautions; do injury prone sports teaching content security PE teachers work to improve accountability of its work and dedication。

Keywords: Zhenjiang; Middle School; sports accidental damage; investigation


1前言 1

2。研究对象与研究方法 3

2。1研究对象 3

    2。2研究方法 3

2。2。1文献资料法 3

2。2。2访谈法 3

2。3。3问卷调查法 3

2。3。4数理统计法 4

3。 研究内容及结果分析 4

3。1镇江市中学生体育损害事故现状 镇江市中学体育意外损害的现状调查:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_99528.html
