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时间:2022-12-05 22:27来源:毕业论文

摘要对于当今社会各种通讯技术研究的需求和更新,必须不断发展机械工艺及电子器件集成的技术,因为电子设备正朝着小型化、高集成、易便携等方向去改进发展,同时对电子设备的性能测试要求天线也需要具备体积小、工作频带宽、多频段工作等特点。因此,近年来Radio frequency identification(RFID)技术飞速发展,并逐渐成为自动物体识别应用中的最主要的技术之一。现如今有很多RFID天线类型,比如偶极子天线、分形天线、环形槽天线和微带贴片天线等,而偶极子天线也逐渐成为当前通信领域内研究的热门天线之一。86481

基于传统的偶极振子天线的原理与结构特点以及针对于当前无线通信节点微型化的需求和天线本身存在增益不足、有效带宽较窄、回波损耗偏高、频带工作范围小等缺陷的现状,本文中利用Ansoft HFSS软件设计了一款满足中心频率约为2。45GHz,S11≤-10dB,电压驻波比(VSWR)≤2。0的不平衡倒F型天线,它是半波偶极子天线的一种变形。通过HFSS对影响参数不断的优化扫描,最后设计出的天线基本上满足了天线的性能要求。


Abstract In today's society of various communication technology research needs and update must be continuous development of mechanical technology and electronic devices integrated technology, because of the electronic equipment is toward miniaturization, high integration, easy portable direction to improve the development and performance test of electronic equipment requires the antenna also needs to have the characteristics of small volume, wide frequency band, multi frequency。 Therefore, RFID technology has developed rapidly in recent years, and has gradually become one of the most important technologies in the application of automatic object recognition。 Nowadays, many RFID antennas, such as dipole antennas and fractal antenna, a ring slot antenna and microstrip patch antenna, etc。, and dipole antenna has gradually become one of the hot researches in the field of communication antenna。

Based on the principle and structure characteristics of the traditional dipole antenna and the status of low gain, narrow bandwidth efficient, echo loss is on the high side, working frequency band range small defects exist in current wireless communication nodes miniaturization demand and the antenna itself 。 In this paper, using Ansoft HFSS software designed a meet the center frequency of 2。45 GHz, S11 is equal to or less than - 10dB, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is less than or equal to 2。0 uneven inverted F type antenna, it is a variation of the half wave dipole antenna。 Through the HFSS to optimize the parameters of the optimization, the final design of the antenna basically meet the performance requirements of the antenna。

Keywords :Unbalanced inverted F type antenna; S11 parameters; VSWR; gain; Direction map

目  录 

第一章 绪论 1

1。1课题研究背景、目的及意义 1

1。2国内外研究现状 2

1。3 RFID技术简介 3

1。3。1 RFID简介 3

1。3。2 RFID的发展历程 4

1。3。3 RFID基本工作原理 4

第二章 偶极子天线的基本理论和分析方法 5

2。1超宽带天线技术简介 5

2。1偶极子天线的概念 6

2。3 偶极子天线的馈电方法 HFSS偶极子天线的设计和仿真:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_106281.html
