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时间:2018-04-19 21:13来源:毕业论文

关键词  计算机视觉    立体匹配    区域匹配    SAD    FPGA
Title  SAD stereo matching algorithm based on FPGA implementations                                  
Stereo vision matching technology is a key part of the field of computer vision research,and is also a difficulty in this area. The sum of the absolute difference between the pixel gray, SAD algorithm, is an algorithm based on region matching in stereo vision matching algorithm. In this paper, FPGA parallel computing and the rational pipelined design are used to complete hardware implementation of the SAD algorithm. Describing the stereo matching theoretical, SAD calculation algorithm is given to compare with other area-based matching algorithms. Using computer software VC2010 to simulate the SAD algorithm. Preliminary understanding SAD calculation algorithm, and providing programming experience for implementation of hardware. Altera's FPGA systems the DE2-115 board and Quartus software are used to realize the hard implementation of SAD algorithm. This paper describes the hardware simulation algorithm implementation process, and gives the final hardware implementation parallax image display.
Keywords   Computer Vision    Stereo matching    Regional matching    SAD    FPGA
1 绪论    1
1.1 立体视觉匹配    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.3 本文的研究内容和结构    3
1.3.1 研究内容    3
1.3.2 论文结构    3
2 SAD算法原理与FPGA技术    4
2.1 SAD的定义及计算方法    4
2.2 FPGA的基本原理和结构    5
2.2.1 FPGA的原理    5
2.2.2 DE2-115可编程逻辑器件结构    6
2.3 VGA的基本原理    7
3 SAD算法设计与硬件实现结构    8
3.1 FPGA的设计理念    8
3.2 基于VHDL的FPGA设计流程    8
3.3 硬件描述语言Verilog HDL    10
3.4 计算机立体视觉库OpenCV    10
3.5 SAD算法的软件实现结构    11
3.6 SAD算法的硬件实现结构    13
4 SAD硬件总体设计和实现    15
4.1 SAD各运算模块的设计和实现    15
4.1.1 SAD图像存储模块    15
4.1.2 SAD图像匹配模块    16
4.1.3 SAD图像输出模块    18
4.2 SAD算法仿真验证    20
4.3 综合及结果分析    21
结论    22
致谢    23
参考文献    24 基于FPGA的SAD立体匹配算法实现:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_13651.html