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时间:2024-04-28 22:07来源:95241



Abstract:"light" used to the transmission of information in the ancient times. As early as 700 BC years ago, the ancient Chinese used the beacon to communication in the war. That using  light to communicate were studied after the telephone appeared. About Bell and the "World War II", hot light sources, non-coherent light, were used in optical communication. The disadvantages of optical communication are difficult modulation, poor communication quality and great transmission loss. These lead to many restrictions to the development and  application of optical communication. Until the emergence of laser technology, optical communications has been developed greatly. The development of underwater optical wireless communication has potential applications in many fields, such as tactical surveillance, ocean research, pollution monitoring, marine exploration, oil management and maintenance, and climate change monitoring. However, the biggest challenge is the complex physical and chemical biological system for marine or seawater in underwater wireless communications. Moreover, it is the mobility of seawater that makes the basic characteristics of seawater are complex and changeable. Information in the transmission process is bound to loss, laser transmission in the water will be suffered from attenuation because of complex underwater environment.  The main topic of this paper is the attenuation of the laser that mainly caused by scattering during the underwater transmission. The seawater’s scattering coefficient can be calculated according to the relevant literature. Matlab simulates the characteristics curve of seawater attenuation. It can be concluded that laser wavelength with the scattering coefficient of seawater is negatively correlated and positively correlated with the total attenuation characteristics of seawater, respectively. The results of this study can provide some reference value for the related research of underwater laser communication, as well as follow-up underwater communication research to provide possible help.

Keywords: underwater optical wireless communication; scattering coefficient; ; attenuation characteristics


第一章 绪论 水下激光通信中海水的散射模型及MATLAB仿真:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_203592.html
