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时间:2024-04-28 22:02来源:95240







Abstract:Implantable neuro stimulator exists on the market today there are so many disadvantages. For example: single pulse stimulation, power supply equipment short life shortcomings. Based on these problems, we propose a new type of bipolar nerve stimulation pulse generator. The main contents are as follows:Firstly the general

design scheme of two modules of bipolar nerve stimulator and wireless communication is put forward. The detailed design idea and implementation method of each module's hardware and software are given ; Secondly completed the development of bipolar nerve stimulator system prototype, debugging function testing of each module and the whole system. To achieve this goal we have two points to  do:

1) using single-chip microcomputer to produce two PWM wave, after the boosting circuit boosts a voltage, then output through H bridge circuit to stimulate pulse; 2) completed the hardware and software of bipolar nerve stimulator the debugging of the system, pulse frequency, duty cycle and amplitude can be controlled by the wireless communication device (1-1200hz in frequency adjustable pulse duty ratio adjustable, 1%-49% pulse amplitude adjustable at 0-10mA).

In the design process we need to complete the simulation of the function of each module is simulated, and then through the bread version for testing, final physical verification in the PCB board. Finally, we overcome the difficulties to complete the pulse generating circuit, pulse modulation circuit, data acquisition circuit, frequency and duty ratio control design circuit. And finally passed the test and the animal experiments.

The design and implementation of the preliminary requirements of bipolar nerve stimulator, such as preparing the system for clinical use, the system also has the volume is too large, the reliability of the system. So in the end of this paper will also put forward the improvement plan of the next step.

Keywords: bipolar; nerve stimulator; wireless communication; regulation


第一章绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2神经刺激器的国内外研究现状 单片机双极性神经刺激脉冲发生器的设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_203589.html
