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时间:2024-04-28 21:36来源:95236




Abstract:Frequency estimation is an important part of the signal processing process, both in theory and in practical application, has very important research value. In many real signal processing, such as radar, communications, navigation, biomedical and other fields, has been widely used. There are many methods to realize frequency estimation, and the accuracy of estimation is high and low. Multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm is one of the most accurate estimation methods of frequency estimation. Based on the classical MUSIC algorithm, this paper briefly introduces the whole theoretical process of the algorithm, analyzes the application of MUSIC algorithm in frequency estimation, and then uses LabVIEW software platform to program it.

Based on the analysis of the basic principle of MUSIC algorithm, LabVIEW is a mathematical function and sub-module to realize MUSIC algorithm. Compared with the traditional language class programming method, it is more efficient and clear. In this paper, And compared with the FFT spectrum analysis method, the advantages of MUSIC algorithm in frequency estimation are intuitively highlighted.

Key Words:MUSIC;Frequency;LabVIEW;Frequency estimation

第一章绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2选题的目的和意义 1

1.3研究背景及现状 2

1.4本文的主要内容和章节安排 4

第二章MUSIC算法原理 5

2.1频率估计的基本概念 5

2.2自相关函数 6

2.3功率谱 6

2.4相关阵的特征分解 7

2.5基于噪声子空间的频率估计 9

2.6MUSIC估计 10

2.7MUSIC算法的实现步骤 11

第三章基于LabVIEW的MUSIC频率估计算法实现 13

3.1 LabVIEW软件介绍 13

3.2 用LabVIEW实现MUSIC算法 13

3.2.1信号的产生 13

3.2.2自相关矩阵 15

3.2.3特征值和特征向量 17

3.2.4信号向量 18

3.2.4MUSIC算法的实现 19

第四章MUSIC算法与FFT频谱分析方法的比较 基于LabVIEW的MUSIC频率估计方法设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_203578.html
