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时间:2022-03-18 22:00来源:毕业论文

摘要微带阵列天线由于其体积小、重量轻、剖面薄、能与飞行器共形、制造工艺简单、 成本低、易与有源器件和电路集成为单一模块等诸多优点被广泛应用于弹载系统上,本 次毕业设计的最终目的是设计一个微带阵列天线用于小口径弹药上。 79039

通过方案分析设计后,为了满足设计要求本次设计确定设计一个 2*2 微带天线阵, 选择 RO5880 作为介质板材料,根据现有的规格技术水平以及设计需要,介质板的厚度确 定为 0。127mm;在微带辐射单元上选择了矩形的微带辐射单元;在功分匹配网络上对单 片的馈电匹配采用插入式,整个功分网络采用并联式由两个 T 型均分的微带功分器和一 个背部探针馈电的同轴—微带功分器组成,借助了 ADS 软件和 HFSS 软件进行了计算和 微带天线建模,最后设计出了符合要求的 2*2 微带天线阵列 

毕业论文关键词  微带阵列天线 35GHz HFSS   天线阵

Title Microstrip array antenna design used for Small-caliber ammunition fuse                     

Abstract Microstrip array antenna because of its small size, light weight, thin profile, with conformal aircraft, manufacturing process is simple, low cost, easy to integrate with active devices and circuits into a single module, and many other advantages are widely used in onboard systems ultimate aim of the graduation project is to design a microstrip array antenna for small-caliber ammunition。

After analyzing the design through the program, in order to meet the design requirements of this design to determine the design of a 2 * 2 microstrip antenna array, select RO5880 dielectric plate as the material, according to the existing level of technology and design specification required, the thickness of the dielectric plate is determined to 0。127mm ; on microstrip radiating element selected rectangular microstrip radiating element; the power pider chip matching network for matching the feed using plug- in, use the entire power pider network consisting of two parallel microstrip T-sharing power splitter and a coaxial probe feed back - microstrip power pider composed, with the ADS software and software HFSS microstrip antenna modeling and calculation, finally the 2 * 2 microstrip antenna array of designing meet the requirements 。

Keywords  Microstrip array antenna      35GHz    HFSS      Antenna array

1 绪论 1

1。1 微带天线研究背景 1

1。2 微带天线研究现状 1

1。3 本文主要研究内容及结构 3

2 35GHz   弹载微带天线及工作原理 4

2。1 弹载微带天线阵结构 4

2。2  微带天线辐射原理 4

2。3 馈电原理 6

2。4 阻抗匹配原理 8

2。5 功分器原理 HFSS+ADS小口径弹药引信微带阵列天线设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_91237.html
