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时间:2024-05-08 22:26来源:95329
基于LABVIEW的线阵阵列信号处理。本文研究并仿真实现了波束形成算法中的最小均方(Least Mean Square, LMS)算法和线性约束最小方差 (Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance, LCMV) 准则

摘 要:阵列信号处理(Array signal processing)作为信号处理的一个重要支柱,在雷达、通信、地震勘探、声纳、医学诊断以及射电天文等领域内获得了长期的关注。本文介绍了阵列信号处理基本理论及模型,主要对阵列信号处理的波达方向(Direction Of Arrival, DOA)估计和波束形成技术进行了一些研究

本文研究并仿真实现了波束形成算法中的最小均方(Least Mean Square, LMS)算法和线性约束最小方差 (Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance, LCMV) 准则,根据仿真结果可以得出随着信噪比和阵元个数的增加,波束形成性能变得更好。本文还研究了DOA估计算法中的多重信号分类(MUSIC)算法,通过改变阵元个数和信噪比的大小,实现了该算法的仿真。仿真结果表明,随着信噪比和阵元个数的增加,空间谱的DOA估计效果更好。最后,利用基于LABVIEW与MATLAB的混合编程将以上三种算法的仿真程序进行了集成。


Abstract:Array signal processing, as an important pillar of signal processing, in the radar, communications, seismic exploration, sonar, medical diagnosis and radio astronomy and other fields receive long-term concern. In this paper, the basic theory and model of array signal processing are introduced, and some research on the Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation and beamforming technology is discussed.

In this paper, we study and simulate the Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm and the Linear minimum Constrained minimum variance (LCMV) criterion in the beamforming algorithm. According to the simulation results, we can get out the SNR and matrix The increase in the number of elements increases the beamforming performance. This paper also studies the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm in DOA estimation algorithm. By changing the number of array elements and the size of signal to noise ratio, the simulation of the algorithm is realized. The simulation results show that the DOA estimation of the spatial spectrum is better with the increase of the signal - to - noise ratio and the number of elements. Finally, the simulation program based on LABVIEW and MATLAB is used to integrate the simulation program of the above three algorithms.

Keywords: Array signal processing, beamforming, DOA estimation


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 阵列信号处理概念 1

1.2 阵列信号处理的发展史及现状 1

1.3 本文的主要内容和章节安排 2

第二章 MATLAB与LABVIEW及其混合编程技术 3

2.1 MATLAB简介 3

2.1.1 MATLAB主要组成 3

2.1.2 MATLAB命令窗口 4

2.1.3 MATLAB绘图 4

2.2 LABVIEW简介 5

2.2.1 LABVIEW界面 6

2.2.2 LABVIEW的前面板和程序框图 6

2.3 LABVIEW、MATLAB及其混合编程技术 7

2.3.1 LABVIEW MatlabScript节点简介 7

2.3.2 通过LABVIEW 调用MATLAB 8

2.4 本章小结 8

第三章 基于LabVIEW和MATLAB混合编程的波束形成算法实现 9

3.1 波束形成的介绍 9

3.1.1 波束形成的原理 9 基于LABVIEW的线阵阵列信号处理+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_203721.html
