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时间:2024-05-13 22:24来源:95372




Abstract:Micro class is a kind of teaching from the long run is relatively short, the teaching content is relatively small, compared to other forms of resource resource capacity is small, easy to use, and interesting teaching methods. With the rapid development of network technology, the social demand for courses are more touching, based on this situation, more and more different the teaching mode is found and been developed. As a new type of teaching resources, micro course plays an important role in the history of the teaching work.

While making a good micro curriculum, requests the teacher in the teaching design work on research, give students the quality of curriculum resources in the shortest period of time. This study mainly lies in the process of making micro courses, video production model by using MMD, using Au to record audio, finally using the Ae format editing factory to make love the final video. Mainly to understand from the script design to complete the video, how to create a micro lesson vide.

Keywords: Micro Lesson ; Making ; video

第1章绪论 1

1.1选题依据 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3理论实际意义 3

1.3.1微课的特点 3

1.3.2微课的实际意义 5

1.4本项目目标 4

1.5本项目的制作方法 4

1.6本章小结 6

第2章相量法简介 7

2.1复数 7

2.1.1复数的运算: 7

2.1.2旋转因子: 8

2.2正弦量 9

2.3相量法 10

2.4本章小结 13

第3章微课视频的制作 14

3.1微课视频的形式、注意点和设计思路 14

3.1.1微课视频的主要形式 14

3.1.2微课视频的注意点 14

3.1.3微课的设计思路 15

3.2微课视频的制作软件及步骤 15

3.2.1 Au(Audition) 15

3.2.2 Ae(AdobeAfterEffects) 16

3.2.3 mmd(mikumikudance) 22

3.2.4 爱剪辑 相量法教学微课的研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_203817.html
