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时间:2022-03-12 10:10来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  运动目标检测、matlab、三帧差分、混合高斯、图像分割


Title    Study on algorithms of moving object detection in video sequence                                               

Abstract In this paper,I do a study on moving object detection in video sequence。It has extensive application prospects in many fields,such as military,medicine,traffic,

Industry,etc。So researches on the technology of  moving object detection are carried on actively,both in China and abroad。The paper includes the content of prospect,status analysis,results and etc。With the purpose of mastering the three classic algorithms,which are temporal difference,background subtraction and optical flow,i choose four algorithms to have a test on the platform of matlab。The four algorithms are Gaussian mixture model,three-frame difference,mean background,HS optical flow。

The fours algorithms have different effects。Optical flow method has a good effect,however,it has large calculation amount and is sensitive to noise without accuracy edge;Three-frame difference method can remove ghost image in some degree。It can be used in real-time monitoring because of the small calculation amount。But holes still exist in this method,what leads to the incomplete detection;In the case of simple scence,mean background model have a nice effect,but the algorithm is limited to the changeable condition in practice;GMM can realize the real-time background update compared to mean background model,but the calculation amount is too large and the effect needs further improvement。 

Keywords  moving object detection,matlab,three-frame difference,Gaussian mixture,image segmentation

目   录

1  绪论 1

1。1  背景介绍  1

1。2  国内外发展现状 2

1。3  本文概述  2

2  运动目标检测的算法 4

2。1  算法总结 4

2。2  帧间差分法 4

2。3  背景减差法 5

2。4  光流法 7

3  技术难点及改进方案 9

3。1  技术难点 9

3。2  改进方案 9

4  算法仿真 10

4。1  仿真概述 10

4。2  基础知识说明 10

  4。3  三帧差法运动目标检测 11

4。4  HS光流法运动目标检测 15

4。5  混合高斯模型运动目标检测 21

4。6  均值法运动目标检测 26

结论  29 matlab视频图像序列中的运动目标检测算法研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_90919.html
