    摘要: 空心玻璃微珠由于其独特的结构,是很好的外墙保温材料。寻找合适的胶凝剂使其凝结成板状应用于外墙,在目前有很好的发展前景。经研究水玻璃是针对空心玻璃微珠最好的凝胶,可不破坏玻璃微珠的空心结构又不引入其他多余元素。同时增强体氧化硼的掺入可使成品在较高温度下不易发生碎裂。本次实验中利用玻璃微珠的空心结构营造保温材料的主体,加入数值上约为玻璃微珠质量50%的水玻璃,可很好的将玻璃微珠板结。再加入约占空心玻璃微珠质量5%左右的氧化硼提高其耐高温性能,烘干一定时间所得的复合材料产品同时拥有导热系数0.25W/ (m•K)、抗压强度大于1.5MPa、不可燃、耐高温、不溶于水、酸和密度值低于0.5g/cm3的特点,是一种优质的无机保温复合材料。32379
    Preparation and performance study of light inorganic flame retardant insulation composite materials
    Abstract: Hollow glass bead is a teriffic kind of wall thermal insulation material because of its unique structure. It has good prospects for development that finding an appropriate gelatinizer which can condense hollow glass bead into a plate-like facades. Hydrous sodium silicate is best for the hollow glass bead for not destroy the hollow structure of glass beads without introducing other unwanted elements.And the boron oxide can be incorporated into the finished product less prone to cracking at a higher temperature. Finding the best ratio of the amount makes great significance. Hollow Glass beads structure because it has excellent insulation properties, adding about half of the volume of water glass on glass beads mass values can talk a good glass beads compaction. Then add accounts for about 5% of hollow glass microspheres mass of boron oxide to improve its heat rate, drying time resulting products must have the coefficient of thermal conductivity is 0.25 W/(m•K), the compressive strength is greater than 1.5 MPa, nonflammable, high temperature resistant, insoluble in water and acid and the density value is less than 0.5 g/cm3,all of above makes the product be a certain degree of compressive strength and fire resistance.
    Keywords: Hollow glass beads; Hydrous sodium silicate; Boron oxide; Insulation Materials; Thermal conductivity
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 文献综述    1
    1.1.1 保温材料    1
        1.1.2 空心玻璃微珠    2
    1.1.3 空心玻璃微珠的制备    4
        1.1.4 水合硅酸钠(水玻璃)    6
    1.1.5 水玻璃的硬化机理与应用    8
        1.1.6 氧化硼在玻璃工业中的应用    10
    1.2 选题的目的和意义    13
    1.3 研究的内容与目标    13
    1.3.1 研究内容    13
    1.3.2 预期目标    14
    2 实验材料及方法    15
    2.1 实验材料    15
    2.1.1    玻璃微珠粒度分析    15
    2.1.2 试样的配方    15
    2.2 实验设备与仪器    17
    2.2.1 测定抗压强度设备    17
    2.2.2 导热率测试仪    17
    2.2.3 测定微观形貌设备    18
    2.2.4 搅拌设备    18
    2.2.5 烘干设备    19
    2.2.6 抗高温测试及其它设备    19
    2.3 实验方案及过程    20
    2.3.1 玻璃微珠的板结    20
    2.3.2 试样压缩强度实验    20
    2.3.4 容重及孔隙率测量    22
    2.3.5 可燃性实验    22
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