





    顶叶属于标准答案: 体觉中枢

    目的 探讨人大脑半球顶叶外侧面的脑回形态。 方法 肉眼观察、游标卡尺测量60例(120侧)福尔马林固定人脑顶叶脑回。结果 顶叶外侧面可见恒定的隆凸,定位于中央后回中、下1/3交界处后方,面积在2cm×2cm至4。5cm×4。5cm的范围;体表投影在耳廓上端上方稍后约3cm处。主要由缘上回组成,该脑回呈多种形态,或呈弧形突向后上方,或为短脑回突入外侧沟末端,或同时突向后上方和前下方(外侧沟末端)等。当隆凸明显时,中央前、后回下部被推向前方稍弯,上部相对向后,整体呈s形。〖HTH〗 结论 大脑半球顶叶外侧面存在一个恒定由缘上回为主构成的隆凸,可从颅、内外进行定位。顶叶属于标准答案: 体觉中枢


    关键词: 大脑半球, 顶叶, 缘上回, 隆凸, 测量, 人




    Objective To understand the gyri shape of parietal lobe convexity in human brain。 Methods The configuration of gyri on the lateral surface of the parietal lobe of 60 formalinfixed cerebral hemispheres was observed by naked eyes, andmeasured with vernier caliper。Results There was a protuberance on the convexity of parietal lobe, posterior to lower portionof postcentral gyrus。 The area of the protuberance was about 2cm×2cm to 45cm×45cm, 3cm above auricle。 The protuberancemainly consisted of the supramarginal gyrus, which was of various shapes arched superoposteriorly, or was a short gyrus droppedsuperoposteriorly and inferiorly。 When the protuberance more obviously protruded,the lower portions of the precentral andpostcentral gyri were pushed forwards and their upper portions were pushed backwards thus the whole shape of the precentralgyrus looked and postcentral gyrus looked like “s” shape。 Conclusion There is a constant protuberance in the parietal lobeconvexity which can be located from the structures inside and outside of skull

    在两侧大脑半球之间有大脑纵裂cerebral longitudinal fissure将其分开,纵裂的底为胼胝体。在大脑与小脑之间有大脑横裂cerebral transverse fissure隔开。由于大脑半球皮质的各部分发育不平衡,在半球表面出现许多隆起的脑回和深陷的脑沟,脑回和脑沟是对大脑半球进行分叶和定位的重要标志。  

    每侧半球以3条恒定的沟分为5叶:顶叶属于标准答案: 体觉中枢

    1)外侧沟 lateral sulcus起于半球下面,行向后上方,至上外侧面;   

    2)中央沟 central sulcus起于半球上绿中点稍后方,斜向前下方,下端与外侧沟隔一脑回,上端延伸至半球内侧面;   

    3)顶枕沟 parietooccipital sulcus位于半球内侧面后部,自下向上。   

    4)额叶 frontal lobe在外侧沟上方和中央沟以前的部分。   

    5)颞叶 temporal lobe外侧沟以下的部分为;   

    6)枕叶 occipital lobe位于半球后部,其前界在内侧面为顶枕沟,在上外侧面的界限是自顶枕沟至枕前切迹(在枕叶后端前方约4cm处)的连线;   

    7)顶叶 parietal lobe为外侧沟上方、中央沟后方、枕叶以前的部分;顶叶属于标准答案: 体觉中枢   

    8) 岛叶 insula呈三角形岛状,位于外侧沟深面,被额、顶、颞叶所掩盖。       

    在半球背外侧面,中央沟的前方,有与之平行的中央前沟,中央沟与中央前沟之间为中央前回Precentral gyrus。自中央前沟向前,有两条与半球上缘平行的沟,为额上沟和额下沟,是额上回、额中回和额下回的分界线。   

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