
        A.1  B.2  C.3  D.4  E.5  F.≥6
    8)    How long will i buy a new iPhone? ( )
    A.≥24 months   B.18-24months  C.12-18months 
    B.D.6-12months  E.3-6 months    F.≤3 months
    9)    How long have I used my current iPhone? ( )
    A.≤3 months     B.3-6 months    C.6-12months
    B.D.12-18moths  E.18-24months   F.≥24 months
    10)    How much do I feel satisfied on iPhone? ( )
    A.Completely satisfied   B.Relatively satisfied     C.Commonly satisfied
    D.Commonly unsatisfied  E.Relatively unsatisfied  F.Completely unsatisfied
    11)    I agree on feeling proud of using iPhone? ( )
        A.Completely agree    B.Relatively agree    C.Commonly agree
        D.Commonly disagree  E.Relatively disagree  F.Completely disagree
    12)  How much am I willing to recommend iPhone to others?( )
    A.Completely willing   B.Relatively willing    C.Commonly willing
    D.Commonly unwilling  E.Relatively unwilling  F.Completely unwilling
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