
    Abstract Supermarkets gain increasingly popularity among people, which offers them great opportunities to develop rapidly. However, with the rapid development of IT industry, shopping online becomes prevailing among people. To follow the trend of the times, Xuzhou Lotus Supermarket has to carry out constructive measures to seek a path for survival.

    The research aims at investigating effective developmental strategies to decrease cost, avoid vicious competition and increase enterprises’ economic benefits through enhancing the enterprises’ managing level and their operation efficiency so that the enterprises develop healthily and stably. Hence, this study has practical significance.43707

    On the basis of SWOT analysis, this paper explores the developmental strategies of Xuzhou Lotus Supermarket, emphasizing its internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats, presents how to build competitive advantages and then formulates the effective development measures, that is strength--opportunity (SO)strategy, weakness--opportunity (WO) strategy, strength--threat (ST) strategy and weaknesses--threat (WT)strategy, which help Xuzhou Lotus Supermarket make further development plans. 

    The analysis has its limitations and shortcomings thanks to the small capacity of samples.

    Key words: Development strategies     Xuzhou Lotus Supermarket     SWOT analysis      



    本文将使用SWOT分析法对徐州卜蜂莲花超市的营销策略进行探索,从其内部和外部因素两方面分别分析徐州卜蜂莲花超市的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,在此基础上得出徐州卜蜂莲花超市进一步发展的战略措施, 即优势机遇策略,劣势机遇策略,优势威胁策略和劣势威胁策略~优尔!文:论;文'网www.youerw.com。


    毕业论文关键词:发展战略     徐州卜蜂莲花超市大型超市     SWOT分析法    


    Abstract i

    摘  要 ii

    Chapter One  Introduction 1

    1.1 Research Background 1

    1.2 Research Objective and Significance 2

    1.3 Research Questions 3

    1.4 Research Method 3

    1.5 Thesis Layout 3

    1.6 Innovations 4

    Chapter Two  Literature Review 5

    2.1 Related Research Abroad 5

    2.2 Related Research at Home 6

    2.3 SWOT Theory 7

    Chapter Three  SWOT Analysis 10

    3.1 Pre-questionnaire Research

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  2. 下一篇:卜蜂莲花超市调查问卷表
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