
    教学案例下面上海市奉贤区某小学三年级一堂英语课的教学案例。My family period 3Super family

    教学背景简介:本单元的教学内容是小学牛津英语3A M2U2 My family。从三个话题:My family,My friend’s family,Super family来谈论,描述家庭成员。本课时教材内容根据书本P20 Look and read:My family再构,是本单元的第三课时,也是一节阅读课。本节课以了解Barba Zoo’s family是否super为故事主线,让学生学会并掌握一些阅读技巧,如抓住关键词、提炼大纲、了解中心思想。再通过这些阅读后的提示使学生能达到复述文本,从而衍生自己能谈论家庭成员。76440

    教学目标:1。Enable the pupils to review words:grandfather,grandmother,father,mother,brother,sister,me,family,picture,a picture of。。。

    2。Enable the pupils to use the sentences to ask and answer fluently:Who’s he/she?He’s/She’s。。。

    3。Enable the pupil’s to use the sentences to describe family members:。。。be,。。。can。。。,。。。has。。。,。。。like。。。

    4。Enable the pupil’s to love their family。


    1。Using the words,picture fluently。

    2。Using the sentences to describe family members nicely。

    Step1 Pre-task Preparation

    1。A chant :say together

    2。出示:Barba Zoo一家,操练句型Who’s he/she?He’s/She’s。。。

    Step 2 While-task procedure

    1。用Barba Zoo一家人操练a picture of:Look at the pictures and say:This is a picture of Barba Zoo’s。。。He/She is。。。

    2。Barba Zoo’s father论文网

      (1)Describe the father

      (2)Listen,read the text

      (3)Answer:Is Barba Zoo’s father super?Why?

    3。Barba Zoo’s mother

     (1)Read and fill in the blanks

     (2)Describe the mother

     (3)Answer:Is Barba Zoo’s mother super?Why?

     (4)Read the text

    4。Barba Zoo’s brother

     (1)Listen,circle and write。

     (2)Describe the brother。

     (3)Sing a song。

     (4)Answer:Are Barba Zoo’s brothers super?Why?

    Step 3 Post-task activities

     (1)Answer:Is Barba Zoo’s family super?Why?

     (2)Writing “My family”

    Board    Barba Zoo’s family

          Barab Zoo’s father      Barab Zoo’s mother        Barab Zoo’s brothers



                super                     super                     super

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