
    a pilot hole (body1) and the head of coining (body2). The geo-
    metric relationship of body0 and body1 is subtraction, while the relationship between body0 and body2 is union, and the upper
    face of body0 is a side-to relationship with body2.
    2.2 Shoulder of inserts
    A shoulder is basically one type of body objects. The reason why
    it is defined as a special object is that it is widely used in the de-
    sign of inserts. With the definition of this object, some design
    methods and rules can be incorporated into this object to ease
    the design and simplify the complexity of the insert. Just like
    the basic body, a shoulder can be positive or negative to an in-
    sert. According to this relationship and whether or not there is an
    opening for the shoulder on plate, four types of shoulders have
    been defined as shown in Fig. 4. Type A is a shoulder with a posi-
    tive body on the insert, and there is a corresponding relief hole on
    the plate for this shoulder; Type B is the case of a negative body,
    and there is no relief hole on the plate; Type C is of a shoulder
    with a positive body, however, there is no relief hole on the plate
    – this is because the shoulder is mating with a negative shoul-
    der of another component; Type D can be seen as a shoulder with
    a height equal to the plate thickness. A through hole is needed as
    a relief hole for this shoulder.
    For the automatic design of shoulders, three types of rules
    can be encapsulated into the shoulder object: (1) configurationof geometric body; (2) undercut calculation of the shoulder; and
    (3) opening design for this shoulder.
    2.3 Screw of inserts
    A screw is another widely used component in progressive die
    design. It is a standard component used to fix or tighten differ-
    ent objects in the die assembly. In terms of the representation
    structure, a screw object is relatively simple. The object-oriented
    representation of the screw object is shown in Fig. 5.
    The attribute of the screw object includes the type of screws,
    assembly type, diameter, length, position, etc. The method – “Se-
    lectMethod” – is used to design the fastener. When this method
    is fired, the selection procedure “SelectFastener” is called and
    a standard fastener will be matched from the standard compon-
    ent library. There are some rules on how to apply fasteners, for
    instance, spacing of fasteners, holes for screws, etc. The mapping
    is based on the type of screw and the key parameters described
    in this structure. For example, if the MISUMI catalogue is used
    and the type is “CB”, then the CounterBoreFastener in the MIS-
    UMI catalogue is searched andmatched. There aremanymethods
    to apply screws [14]. According to the assembly of screws with
    their components, some types of assemblies are introduced to dis-
    tinguish different assembly relationships between the fastener and
    the component. This is very useful for the automatic matching and
    configuration of the fastener and its assembly. Figure 6 shows sev-
    eral types of assembly for fasteners. Type A, Type B, Type E and
      摘要   薄壁金属零件的过程中,随着冲床上下运动的嵌件是实际的工作部件。级进模的复杂程度、制造费用以及耐用性很大程度上决定于嵌件的数量及分布排列方式。此外,还极大地依赖于嵌件的结构及其装配方式。因此,对一个设计师来说,在设计嵌件的过程中的一个关键问题是对模具质量及其生产能力的设计。在这篇文章中,灵活完整的表达了一个嵌件设计方案。并对嵌件和其他部件之间复杂的装配约束关系进行了分析。并介绍了所应用的自动化设计方法,基于知识库的近似设计法。最后给出了利用该设计方法得到的一些结果。论文网
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